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The robot vacuum cleaner can only be used offline by pressing the start / pause button for vacuuming and mopping, as well as returning to the charging station. Many advanced functions and scheduled cleaning are not available without the app.
The grill does not switch off due to a fault, the indicator light goes out when the temperature is reached. If there are problems with heating up, check the socket, extension cable and temperature control connection.
The error message “Please check clean water tank” can be caused by dirty detectors in the water tank. Cleaning with a salt solution or pH-neutral cleaning agent can help. Also check and clean the dirty water intake opening and the fresh water nozzle.
Windows 11 requires at least a 1 GHz processor with 2 cores, 4 GB RAM, 64 GB storage space, TPM 2.0 and DirectX 12-capable graphics. Internet and a Microsoft account are required to install Windows 11 Home.