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Sparks occur if the mains cable is plugged in before connecting to the audio system. To avoid this, first insert the plug into the device and then into the socket.
A slow or crashing system may be due to outdated software or full hard drives. Update regularly and use tools such as the MEDION Service App to detect errors.
Use the MSInfo32 program, which is started by entering ‘msinfo32’ in the Run dialogue (Windows key + r). There you will find the mainboard designation under ‘System overview’ behind ‘BaseBoard product’.
MEDION devices use an alphanumeric code. Contact the manufacturer of the universal remote control, as the codes are defined there and vary depending on the remote control.
Fold a handkerchief into a square, place it over the ink tank sealing lever and secure the filling opening with adhesive tape to prevent the ink from leaking.
Switch off the keyboard, remove the 2.4G receiver, press ESC + Q and plug the receiver back in. For the mouse, hold down the scroll wheel and the right mouse button while switching it on and then plug in the receiver. Bring both devices close to the receiver until the flashing stops.
Place a switched-on flashlight inside and switch off the room light. If light shines through, the seal is leaking. For glass doors, stick a piece of paper in the door and pull it out. If there is no tension, the seal may be defective.
Due to their mechanical components, hard drives can make noises. If unusual noises occur, it is recommended to check the status of the hard drive using system commands and, if necessary, to use the manufacturer's diagnostic software.
Install the Life+ app, connect your smartphone to a 2.4 GHz Wi-Fi network and follow the instructions in the app to pair the robot vacuum cleaner. After a successful connection, the app will display a confirmation message.
In standby mode, press the ‘Start time’ button on the remote control until the time flashes on the display. Then press the yellow button on the remote control to confirm the setting.
Open the Start menu and click on ‘Restart’ while holding down the ‘Shift’ key. Then select ‘Troubleshooting’, ‘Advanced options’ and then ‘UEFI firmware settings’ to go directly to the BIOS.
Activate RAID mode in the BIOS and create the desired array. Then install Windows with the required drivers. Back up your data beforehand, as it may be lost.
Search for the desired channel and then press the AMS / MEM button. Use the fast forward or rewind buttons to select a memory location and save the process by pressing the play button.
Enter *#7780# for a soft reset and *#7370# for a hard reset. If your device does not work, press and hold On / Off + * + 3. A hard reset deletes all data.
Install the firmware upgrade by downloading the appropriate file, transferring it to a USB stick and updating the device. A factory reset is required after the upgrade.
Either look in the system settings under ‘Info’ or open the command prompt and enter the command ‘systeminfo’. Both methods will show you the original installation date.
Windows 11 requires at least a 1 GHz processor with 2 cores, 4 GB RAM, 64 GB storage space, TPM 2.0 and DirectX 12-capable graphics. Internet and a Microsoft account are required to install Windows 11 Home.