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Bonjour @Reivax ,
pouvez-vous me donner le numero MSN de votre ordinateur, svp?
Aussi, rappelez vous la date d'achat de votre produit? Cordialement,
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Bonjour @tony292 ,
Il est toujours recommandé de contacter le fabricant de la carte graphique et confirmer si le NB est compatible avec la carte.
Si vous n’êtes pas sure, veuillez commander la carte d’un fournisseur qu’accepte des retours et des remboursements.
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Hi @eporoom ,
I would not assume so fast that your case is a coincidence.
To check, you can try to reset your NB to the factory settings (the process for doing so is described at your user manual).
If it does bring your NB back then I would be cautious reinstalling the updates.
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Hi @WalFin ,
have you tried one of the many RAM compatibility checkers available on the internet? Here you can find an example.
Even though Medion can not be held responsible for the usage or for the results of those tools, you may want to give it a go.
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Hi @PhilE ,
there should be no secrets on doing so if you have the proper knowledge and expertise to do so.
@Fishtown link is helpful.
I would not recommend you to try it if you are not skilled nor trained to do so because at minimum you warranty will be compromised if anything goes wrong.
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Hello @Samqi and welcome to the forum.
Can you please provide the MSN number of your Medion product? It is an 8-digits number printed in the back of it, normally it starts by 300 or 500.
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Hi @Windybond5756,
if you are having a hardware issue with your NB you can contact Medion Technical Support team and book a repair with us.
You can find our numbers at the services area of our webpage.
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Hi @Dragna and welcome to the forum!
Have you tried to contact the monitor manufacturer? If everything was working fine with the other monitor I would start by getting help from the manufacturer of the new display.
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Hi @WalFin ,
do you have the MSN number of your product?
it is an 8-digits number written in the label underneath it. Regards,
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Hi @Medionuser1
Have you tried online marketplaces or specialized hardware stores? Unfortunately we do not have it available on our online store.
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Bonjour @hubbar49 et bienvenue sur le Forum!
Microsoft a un tutorial sur son site en ligne pour faire le dépannage des caméras qui ne marchent plus sur le Windows 10.
Veuillez le trouver ici
Si ça ne marche pas, vous pouvez essayer la réinitialisation de votre notebook aux paramètres d'origine.
La procedure est d'habitude sur votre mode d'emploi
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Bonjour @Nadange ,
Oui, si vous été capable de préciser la date et le lien d’achat.
C’est aussi utile d’avoir la carte de garantie quand vous le contactez
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Hi @kaanozkans , thanks for your patience.
@Fishtown is correct regarding your MB. Unfortunately I can't advise you on which SSD or cooler to buy because that is your personal choice.
If you are unsure, I would suggest you provide your NB and your MB models to the seller and ask if their product is compatible.
I would also choose resellers which offer a flexible return policy just to be on the safe side.
Best regards,
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Hi @kaanozkans and welcome to the forum.
Can you please provide the MSN number of your product?
It is an 8-digits number printed in the label underneath your product.
It normally starts by 500 or 300.
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HI @mperus ,
please get in touch with support services to let the technicians to take a look at your PC. They will do everything they can to have this problem solved.
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Hi @mperus,
I would recommend you to back your data up and then perform a factory settings reset (instructions on page 38 of the user guide here). Let me know if it has solved the issue.
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Hi @Andrii ,
I would recommend you to back your data up and then perform a factory settings reset (instructions on page 39 of user guide here).
Then install all the windows updates and make sure your drivers are also updated.
Let us know if it has solved the issue.
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Hi @Xenomorph ,
your user guide mentions two settings available for the keyboard lights: Fn + F2 - Background lighting options: Turns off background lighting for the integrated display to save power. The lighting is turned back on by pressing any key.
FN + F4 - Keyboard lighting options: 5 different brightness levels available.
If the Control Center that I have linked on my last reply does not offer you the light colours changing function I am afraid your NB does not have it.
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Hi @Xenomorph and welcome to the forum!
Can you please confirm that your NB MSN is 30020518? If so, have you tried using the control center? It can be downloaded from here if you don't have it on your PC.
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Hi @Andrii and welcome to the forum.
Can you please provide me the MSN number of your product?
You should check for an 8-digits number normally starting by 500 or 300 Regards,
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Hi @bentley and welcome to the forum.
Are you using an aerial or an external box?
Also, can please you check that the cables are properly connected on their respective ports Regards,
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Hi @mperus ,
please check that you have the latest Windows and Drivers updates installed.
After that, you can download and run our self diagnose app (find it here) to check your NB for any faults.
If nothing comes up from that, can you please tell me which is the BIOS version you are currently on? Regards,
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Hi @mperus ,
have you been monitoring the internal temperature of your NB? If so, how is it?
Also, can you check that these softwares you are running are not set to be run in the high performance mode or that this is not the default mode set for running programs? Regards,
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