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FAQs about the MEDION Service App

FAQs about the MEDION Service App

fast & easy - free of charge & secure - directly from the manufacturer

  • What is the MEDION Service App?

  • MEDION Service appMEDION Service app
    Our service app for Windows and Android devices tests your product for all possible sources of error and delivers a result directly. Simply download it to your device, start it and if an error is detected, you can directly initiate a repair order.
  • For which operating systems is the MEDION Service App available?

  • Logo_Android_logo_-_88.png    Logo_Windows_logo_-_2012_derivative_88.png
    Our service app is currently available for Windows and Android devices.
  • Where can I download the MEDION Service App?

  • google-play-badg.png
    System Requirements:
    Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) or higher

    System Requirements:

    Windows 10 / 11 64bit .net Framework 4.6.1
  • Can I perform the fault diagnosis without the app?

  • Yes, you can perform online fault diagnosis at any time.

Version historique
Last Mise à Jour:
‎07.09.2022 08:58
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