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Keyboard problem S4403

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Message 1 sur 49
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Keyboard problem S4403

I have a problem with my keyboard and hope someone can help.


Recently I had an update to my VPN fail. The installer automatically rolled back the installation, but this did not complete correctly and, after rebooting twice I noticed various problems with my notebook. I have succeeded in resetting the icon spacing on the task bar and the line spacing in File browser, but I have a problem with the keyboard occasionally repeating characters as I type. Usually it only repeats one character but occasionally it will repeat the last two characters so that for example "the" comes out as "ththe". I know my typing is not perfect but this is much more frequent that before and I never repeated two characters like this.


I have tried changing the repeat key delay setting in Windows but it does ntoto help. [I left ntoto in as an example that just happened, I mistyped not as nto (a common mistake for me😁) but it came out as ntoto].


Does anyone have any ideas?




S4403 - MD 61325, Windows 10 Home v20H2, build 19042.804, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

Message 31 sur 49
5 499 Visites
Message 31 sur 49
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@daddle @PathMan 

I am on version 20H2, build 19042.804, Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

The HID Event Filter is still visible in my version.

Message 32 sur 49
5 494 Visites
Message 32 sur 49
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@AndrewP - i have the driver installed and unfortunately, the "Roll back" option is greyed out, so I can't do that! 

I have downloaded the earlier driver but aam having no luck gettting it unzipped and insttalled?

I  have installed 7Zip and can unzip it, but do I need to unzip to a specific loccation to get it tto replace the later verrsion?

You can see from the above what the issue is doing to my typing!

Message 33 sur 49
5 494 Visites
Message 33 sur 49
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@daddle - thank's for your response. I am on Build 19042.867

When I right click the extracted .inf file, what option should I select? Install? It doesn't aappear to do anything?




Message 34 sur 49
5 493 Visites
Message 34 sur 49
5 493 Visites



No, just decompress it to any folder. But not only opening by 7zip, you have to do a physical unpack, and have the three files in an extra folder.

If you do an inf-install, theres no reaction to be seen, as far as I remember. Even if it doesn't work.


But if you still have the entry Hid Event Filter, and it shows V.  ...384,  go back to V.  .... 383


You hav to go two or three pages forward to find Version ..383


Do a Uninstall, and mark "Delete Driver software" as well, then do a driver update and show the path to the folder with the decompressed  " hideventfilter.inf " 

Yes, your Build 19042.867 is the same as on my desktop, but my entry 'IntelHid Event Filter' isn't there anymore.


cheers, daddle

Message 35 sur 49
5 482 Visites
Message 35 sur 49
5 482 Visites

Thank you @daddle !

That worked like a charm!

The driver is now the earlier version and my repeating keyboard errors appear to be fixed!

Hurray, I owe you a pint!

Message 36 sur 49
5 476 Visites
Message 36 sur 49
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@PathMan  Did you also have problems with the icon spacing on the task bar and the line spacing in File Exporer?


I wonder how many more people have had this problem.

Message 37 sur 49
5 472 Visites
Message 37 sur 49
5 472 Visites

@daddle  my windows has just done an update to:

Edition Windows 10 Home
Version 20H2
Installed on ‎2020-‎10-‎25
OS build 19042.867
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0

The Intel(R) HID Event Filter entry is still visible.

Message 38 sur 49
5 467 Visites
Message 38 sur 49
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Thanks for the info:

OK, everything the same, but your Windows version was installed  ‎2020-‎10-‎25 , mine on 2021-02-01

All the same, except the date 

Version 20H2
Installed on ‎2021-02-01
OS build 19042.867
Experience Windows Feature Experience Pack 120.2212.551.0




Message 39 sur 49
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Message 39 sur 49
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I didn't notice any problem with the icon spacing and/or line spacing in File Explorer?

Message 40 sur 49
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Message 40 sur 49
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@daddle  interesting that the versions of Windows are the same but the Device Manager looks fairly different (ignoring language). I guess most of the differences are because mine is a touch-screen laptop.


But what is definitely different is the number of entries in the HID group:


Why do I have so many copies of some drivers? Is there any benefit in removing duplicates? And if so, how do I deceide which to keep?
