21.04.2021 11:40 - edited 21.04.2021 11:53
21.04.2021 11:40 - edited 21.04.2021 11:53
Hello everybody,
I bought recently (in February) a Medion ERAZER Engineer X10 MD34938 from microspot.ch.
Specs of the PC : https://www.medion.com/gb/service/product-detail/10023877
Everything was fine until the beginning of the month. I plugged in my HyperX Cloud II headset. I encountered the same problem described here : https://community.medion.com/t5/ERAZER-Gaming/Problems-with-my-brand-new-Medion-ERAZER-ENGINEER-P10-...
I was able to fix it, I am not plugging the headset via USB anymore, but with a Jack splitter. Nevertheless, my PC is still crashing at random times. I reinstalled windows with the F11 key during boot, I thought it would work with a complete reinstallation, but it is still crashing. Then I checked the hardware.
The fans from the GPU are not rotating, and more importantly, there was a lot of heat around my CPU. I decided to call it a night, and that i would solve the problem today. I booted the pc, installed a few stuff (graphic driver, steam and battlenet). Then it crashed again, GPU fans not rotating and a LOT of heat around CPU. I installed "Open Hardware Monitor" and what a surprise ! CPU temperature were between 91°C and 100°C !!
What should i do ? There is a water cooling on the CPU and I NEVER installed a watercooling on a PC. I think that this cooling is the main problem. It scares me a bit to try to fix that, because water on electronic component is never a good idea. But on the other hand I really dont want to send it to repair, because it is going to take ages. It's maybe a thermal paste issue, or the cooling liquid not circulating.
Thanks for your help, looking forward to your answers.
on 21.04.2021 13:58
on 21.04.2021 13:58
Hi @Captp and welcome to the Forum!
I would suggest you to reconsider the decision of not sending it to Medion Service Centre, because that is the official recommendation to manage the 3 problems you've mentioned: fans not running, thermal paste issue and cooling fluid not circulating.
on 24.04.2021 14:25
on 24.04.2021 14:25
Hello @Gehringer,
Thank you for your advice.
I think I found out the problem. When I recieved the product, there were blue LED's on both fans, but they are not working anymore. The fans are not powered anymore. Since the rear fan is connected to the watercooling, I think that's why the cooling is not happening.
I did a complete reinstallation of windows (F11 button during boot) but it did not fix this problem. Do you have any idea how to fix it ?
on 27.04.2021 10:30
on 27.04.2021 10:30
Hi @Captp ,
the way I see it, if it is not powered then it may be either a connectivity issue or it may be a hardware fault and your fan may need to be replaced.
Have you reconsidered the possibility of reaching Medion technical support?