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Fans not working Correctly

Nachricht 1 von 53
23.927 Aufrufe
Nachricht 1 von 53
23.927 Aufrufe

Fans not working Correctly

I downloaded the new Control Center for my Medion Erazer x25 beast, and now the fast are not working properly anymore. When I want to set my own graph for the CPU I can barely edit it and it starts off all over the place. When I don't set my own graph the fan speeds stay at idle (31%) and dont go up even if the cpu is 95 degrees celcius. Does anyone know what I have to do?

Nachricht 21 von 53
4.620 Aufrufe
Nachricht 21 von 53
4.620 Aufrufe

hi, I have already spoken with the service today. I was also first recommended to send it in. In a later phone call with another employee, he suddenly found out that it is a software error. Wow who could have guessed this.🤔
Well. anyway, my request was forwarded, since it is apparently a known problem. I am still waiting for a call back now. I don't want to send it in, it will take 2 weeks and I don't have that time.

Nachricht 22 von 53
4.606 Aufrufe
Nachricht 22 von 53
4.606 Aufrufe

Hi @Mauricee 

did you unpack in any folder on your hard disk / SSD before you execute it? If not please try again. Reboot is required between all tasks, unistall Control Center Service, reboot, execute Defaulttool.exe, wait for at least 30 seconds, reboot, install Control Center Service again, reboot.

Nachricht 23 von 53
4.585 Aufrufe
Nachricht 23 von 53
4.585 Aufrufe

hi schumellschummi,

deinem Namen zu urteilen nehme ich an du verstehst deutsch.


Also, ich hab jetzt schon probiert, 3 mal. Jedes mal neustarten zwischen jedem Schritt usw.

Das ganze prozedere hat leider nichts geholfen. Weiterhin fehlende EInstellungen im Controlcenter und die Lüfter gehen nicht.


if you don't know any german,
Well, I've tried now, 3 times. Every time restart between each step etc..

The whole procedure has unfortunately helped nothing. Furthermore, missing settings in the control center and the fans do not go properly.


Nachricht 24 von 53
4.568 Aufrufe
Nachricht 24 von 53
4.568 Aufrufe



Everything you describe about the install and clear up procedure is correctly described. 

But even more precise is the FAQ, with Download links -->


If you had read the first posts as well, this functioned with the Win 10 Bios, but after the Bios-Update to 1.26MED11, the work around for the CC isn't really functional anymore.

So we have to wait for a correction by Medion.


Cheers, daddle

Nachricht 25 von 53
4.550 Aufrufe
Nachricht 25 von 53
4.550 Aufrufe

Hi @daddle

Got it. But I disagree that the work around for the CC isn't really functional anymore. You are suggesting to use the workaround in german Medion Community ( you've got some positive feedback, at least some users that were affected by the issue are able to bring back the missing Control Center options by the workaround. Thats why I would like to share this hint again also in the english community. But yes, unfortunately it seems that the workaround cannot fix all affected devices.



New Voice
Nachricht 26 von 53
4.547 Aufrufe
Nachricht 26 von 53
4.547 Aufrufe

I'm having the same issue with the fans not spinning up, and in addition my built in audio is not working (built in microphone doesn't even show up in device manager, speakers show up but completely non-functional). This also seems to be in relation to the BIOS:


It seems this firmware update has messed up quite a number of things. Needs going through with a fine tooth comb and a fix released promptly. Currently cannot use my device for its intended purpose.


I had booked in with Carlos (UK support, lovely guy) on the phone to have my unit collected on Wednesday for repair. However reading through all this, this is clearly a software bug, so I have sent him another email asking to hold off on collection and please escalate the issue to technicians so that the firmware fix can be expedited.


The fix will likely come out of Germany however I imagine... please call your support services in your respective countries so this issue is escalated!

Nachricht 27 von 53
4.532 Aufrufe
Nachricht 27 von 53
4.532 Aufrufe



Sorry but read carefuly.

@Schummi  schrieb:

 But I disagree that the work around for the CC isn't really functional anymore. You are suggesting to use the workaround in german Medion Community ( you've got some positive feedback,

I am not suggesting this now anymore, I was suggesting this two days ago. As Time goes by ...  

But in the meantime too many people with the new Bios updated by Windows Update are complaining the CC workaround does not work anymore. Additionally trouble with fans or audio.



Nachricht 28 von 53
4.516 Aufrufe
Nachricht 28 von 53
4.516 Aufrufe

Hi @Mauricee 


Let us use english language because we are in the english section here.

Some additional questions:

1. Which Control Center Service version is installed now?

2. Which Control Center App version is installed now?

3. Are all 3 Performance Modes (Office,Game,Turbo)are available or did you only have Office and Game available?




Nachricht 29 von 53
4.508 Aufrufe
Nachricht 29 von 53
4.508 Aufrufe

@NinoR_  schrieb:

@gtsuit Alright that's good to know, thanks. You are the first person I've come across that has the same problem. I have tried installing an older BIOS version, but it instantly updates it to the new one once you restart your pc.


You have to delete BIOS N1.26 files that have been stored in the system otherwise they will be installed again and again when you have downgrade your BIOS before. Open DeviceManager>Firmware>right-click American Megatrends...N1.26.. >choose uninstall device.

Now you should be able to use old BIOS versions again.


Nachricht 30 von 53
4.479 Aufrufe
Nachricht 30 von 53
4.479 Aufrufe

In the German community / we have tried something and fortunately it was successful.


1. Install DMI-Patch from here:

2. Follow the FAQ:


The DMI-Patch is for RTX3080 platform only but in our test it solves the issue also on an RTX3070. If you are in doubt please wait for an official announcement.