14.01.2022 01:40
14.01.2022 01:40
Hey Folks,
I've just had windows push a BIOS (1.26MED11) update to my laptop.
Does anyone have the patch notes?
Thank you
24.01.2022 19:24
24.01.2022 19:24
I temporarily fixed the Control Center by installing what was on the D drive (which is a pain to get into because it is behind a BitLocker) so right now I have Control Center service but I do not have all the functions as before. So what should I do now? Uninstall CC service, use the defaulttool and then install
24.01.2022 19:37
24.01.2022 19:37
if you are still missing some options in your Control Center you can also reinstall the older Control Center service version but at least you must uninstall the CC service once, execute defaulttool.exe, reboot, install ( any kind of) Control Center service again.
Bitlocker encryption is enabled by default: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/design/device-experiences/oem-bitlocker
24.01.2022 20:04
24.01.2022 20:04
Thanks for the explanation. It worked and I have all the options back. Thank you.
27.01.2022 19:33 - edited 27.01.2022 20:00
27.01.2022 19:33 - edited 27.01.2022 20:00
Do you know if it possible to do a bios recovery with an USB stick? According to this page https://www.biosflash.com/bios-update-fehler.htm I can put a bios on a stick and boot with "<Strg><Pos1>" to start the bios flash process.
27.01.2022 22:42
27.01.2022 22:42
Hi all,
In New here but just want to say, after te new bios update my laptop went silent ( no fans) while updating te new bios then something burned.. inside.. still not knowing what happened but now i read this thread i know why.
Laptop is back to webshop for repair.. but still no news.. dont think i cant be repaired...
Is there already a Fix i some sort?..
If u get mine back repaired or a new one... I dont wanna make the same misstake by update with the same bios?.. and get pack of performance?
28.01.2022 10:55
28.01.2022 10:55
The files download from
1. Install DMI-Patch from here: https://www.medion.com/at/service/product-detail/30032959
2. Follow the FAQ: https://community.medion.com/t5/FAQs/How-do-I-get-back-missing-settings-options-in-Control-Center/ta...
triggers alarm from Bitdefender after i ran the program and was not allowed to run. Any idea why they both triggers antivirus alarm?
28.01.2022 11:32
28.01.2022 11:32
Maybe silly question, but anybody else experiencing USB issues? Since the erroneous BIOS update i seem to get errors when copying large amounts of data (tens of gigabytes as one data stream) to external flash drives. After some time while copying i get the error that the device is not ready.
This hasn't happened before, but I am not sure if this could be tight to that faulty update.
Anybody else with similarit issues suddenly?