@JackViljoen95 Twice having a power- and surgetripping in two different locations is quite funny. The first time there must have been a overload, which killed your Mainboard. But funny, actually the power-pack getting an overload shouldn't let overvoltage or/and overcurrent leap into the laptop. Same for the second time happening; the charger block got, through the tripping before, an overload, an second time putting it into the wall socket resulting in a shortage. This wall charger seems to be not very well constructed. No barrier against overvoltage or overamperage But this is something which usuallay is not covered by guarantee. Except it is a wrong shortage and overcurrence protection built in or missing. There exist especially wallsocket adapters with protection for overload (Voltage and Amperage); may be you should obtain one of these. But this you have to discuss with the Medion Service, respectively with your reseller. This Community-Forum ist for User help User purposes, we can not do anything in the sevice line. Regards, daddle
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