On the smartphone where you have installed the Medion App, look in /sdcard/Android/data/com.medion.fitness/files/IDO BLE_S DK/com.medion.fitness/Log There, you will find a logfile for each day, e.g. 20220707.log, which contains blocks of PSON data starting with the text, e.g. "P [2022-07-06 00:25:27.521+0200] [IDO_CMD ] [SYNC_DATA] saveHeartRateData, jsonData={" What follows, including the opening "{" up to the closing "}" is JSON format data for the named data type, which can be one of saveHeartRateData saveSportData saveHeartRateData saveActivityData saveSleepData PSON is a standard format, and there are online converters to CSV format, but those I have tried so far aggregate the data, which is not what I want, so I'm considering writing a converter (yet another "Work In Progress" 😀)
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