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Bios corrupt I think

New Voice
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1.971 Aufrufe

Bios corrupt I think


I have a medion erazer p50 deputy and the laptop run but the screen în dead , my keyboard turn on with all the Light and stuf , my fan go on everything în working but the screen no , I try to put a hdmi cable to see if is work on another screen , but it dosen't , I try to reset the bios by taking the cmos battery out , I check the ram,  idk I run out of options can somebody help me ? My motherboard is HM770 and if someone have a solution please let me now 

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1.949 Aufrufe
Nachricht 2 von 8
1.949 Aufrufe



Hi Dexter,

you should name the MSN plus MD number of your Laptop first. It's on a sticker underneath.

Just some hints, Fn + F2 deactivates the backlight, but any other tab would reactivate it.

Or did you press the Fn + F7 tab, which deactivates the internal display, and switches the

video signal to an external display, or to simultaneous operation.

As i follow your description the laptop does not  boot. 

A defective M.2 SSD sometimes leads to strange phenomena.
So I would take the SSD out, and  check if you can enter Bios and get a picture then.


Cheers, daddle

New Voice
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1.945 Aufrufe
Nachricht 3 von 8
1.945 Aufrufe

The MSN is 30035304 


I try to take out the ssd  and run the laptop but the screen still dosen't work , I press F2 to enter the bios but it didn't display anything 

I am thinking if I have a way to download a bios for my laptop on a stick and make that stick bootable but idk from where to take the right bios for my motherboard 

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1.937 Aufrufe
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Why do you think it's a bios fault? Did you do something to it? May be making faulty steps with CMOS Reset?

For the Bios with the basic rom you must ask the moderator, it's @Major_ToM . By naming his alias  he will be informed lready. But I gues you have to wait until next week to get an naswer.



Cheers, daddle

New Voice
Nachricht 5 von 8
1.728 Aufrufe
Nachricht 5 von 8
1.728 Aufrufe

I have a question so I have the MEDION ERAZER DEPUTY p50 with an i7-13700hx, it's 1 or 2 months old, I already changed the thermal paste because it was really bad, and the temperature of the CPU, which I was playing with before changing it, was 87 degrees, now it hit 80, 76, 78, and that's not bad, but on the 1st day I changed the folder, it was hitting like 70 69 73, I have all the correct drivers, but I don't know if Cios is updated because I didn't see any BIOS update... . Can you help me?

Nachricht 6 von 8
1.415 Aufrufe
Nachricht 6 von 8
1.415 Aufrufe

HI @Gusta ,


if you could provide the Bios version which is currently running on your unit (1.07.18RME1 f.e.), we will check for a newer version.




Major ToM

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Nachricht 7 von 8
43 Aufrufe
Nachricht 7 von 8
43 Aufrufe

Hello everybody, 

I have the same problem like Dexter. My screen don't show any image. It is completely dark. My fans turn on, the indicator lights get on but the Screen does not show anything. I have tried all the shortcuts to start it with no positive result. I have been told to find the BIOS in other to reboot my system with the USB but i don't know where to fine the BIOS. Here ere some references of my Medion laptop:

XU133T REV 4.0 A
Thanks for your reply

Nachricht 8 von 8
38 Aufrufe
Nachricht 8 von 8
38 Aufrufe



I do not think it's a Bios problem. It rather sounds like a defective display, eg the backlight

You should contact Service. -->

Or the appropiate service center for your country,


Cheers, daddle