le 31.08.2021 21:13
le 31.08.2021 21:13
Hope some one can help as this is a newish notebook not used much . When I switched on the computer the battery indicator was showing low with an x on it even though it was plugged in. Unplugged from mains , unplugged from transformer , and computer cleaned connectors and plugged all back in again. No luck. Now computer is completely flat no power at all. Ive left it closed and battery connected . Any suggestions please ?
31.08.2021 21:34 - modifié 31.08.2021 21:36
31.08.2021 21:34 - modifié 31.08.2021 21:36
Hi Gooseberry, can you check (measure) the DC Voltage, if it arrives at the charging port, the DC inlet?
And you are you your wall outlet provdes the necessary AC Voltage?
How old is your NB; if it was a longer time not fed for recharging, thebattery might be complete down.
Do you still have guarantee.
What you could try is discharging the NB, taking all connecting leads of, also the charging cable, and press then for 15 seconds th power button.
Check this HowTo.
cheers, daddle
le 31.08.2021 21:58
le 31.08.2021 21:58
Hi thanks for replying.
I have just checked the power from the socket to the adaptor and that works as I have another adaptor and that shows a green light when it gets power so I swapped the plug to adaptor and thats ok. I couldnt test the other adaptor to the notebook as that has a different end on it ( for a different computer) . The computer itself is 10 months old - and was working fine last week - I didnt use it for a few days and when I turned it on today noticed battery low - with the x on - it had been plugged in when not in use ( like my surface pro I always keep that plugged in as the battery time on that is so short) . I did the unplugging and testing sockets - switching it on and off by the time I had done all that the computer had died altogether. So I cant do a reset or anything else now.
le 31.08.2021 22:02
le 31.08.2021 22:02
I have taken out power supply and pressed power button - not a flicker or sound of coming on. Not sure whether to leave it with nothing plugged in over night / do a restart with a paper clip or leave it charging overnight .
le 12.10.2021 14:09
le 12.10.2021 14:09
Hi @gooseberry ,
could you please report, if your problem is solved, or do you need any further asssiance?
Major ToM
le 12.11.2021 07:51
le 12.11.2021 07:51
@gooseberry wrote:Hope some one can help as this is a newish notebook not used much . When I switched on the computer the battery indicator was showing low with an x on it even though it was plugged in. Unplugged from mains , unplugged from transformer , and mycardstatement computer cleaned connectors and plugged all back in again. No luck. Now computer is completely flat no power at all. Ive left it closed and battery connected . Any suggestions please ?
Did you have a fix on this issue? Facing same issue but no response from anyone and couldn't find this topic troubleshooting.