on 06.05.2023 08:46
on 06.05.2023 08:46
I've receveid my new laptop today.
I installed Windows but during the installation I had a message indicating that I was not connected to Internet whereas I had connected the network cable. No network adapter is found in device manager.
I restarted the computer, at the BIOS level I can't find the LAN controller.
It's as if the network card had not been installed in the laptop!
I don't know what to do...
Please help !
on 07.05.2023 10:25
07.05.2023 11:07 - edited 07.05.2023 11:11
07.05.2023 11:07 - edited 07.05.2023 11:11
Hello @Ripley
If you buy the computer new with an operating system (Win11), the drivers can be found on drive D : and are part of it. but since you bought one without an operating system, you can use the driver package and use the drivers that windows does not find or load them immediately when installing windows via USB stick.
Here are some installation tips if there are problems with the WLAN driver during the initial installation.
bye Fishtown
on 07.05.2023 12:46
on 08.05.2023 09:05
on 08.05.2023 09:05
Hi there, I anser to this topic for 2 reason. First, I had EXACTLY the same bug (I could had taken the same screenshot myself) and thanks to this topic I was able to solve it. So thanks a lot !
Second, I, too, wasnt able to download drivers from the Medion site, it dont matters wich one. I see them all at "0 bytes" and cant download anything. Just wanted you to know about that. Since Ripley has his system in french, and I'm from France myself, maybe it has something to do with the issue. I asked a friend to try to download anything and he also had the same issue.
That's it, have a nice day 🙂
on 08.05.2023 09:59
on 12.05.2023 14:32
on 12.05.2023 14:32
Hello everyone (ou devrais-je dire bonjour? :D).
The mighty Fishtown linked me this thread that helped me solving the same problem too.
Wanted to add my piece just to thank you and maybe incetivize MEDION to release some basic driver for at least access to internet, with whether wifi or ethernet cable. It would makes things so much easier and would release a lot of novice customers for hours of stress struggling with the drivers.
Btw, how did you upgrade your wifi first @Ripley ? I wanted to follow your steps but didn't know how to do it.. I just managed to download the driver pack via some link that actually worked (not all of them :(, same issue with the 0 bytes download) and the LAN driver unlocked the ethernet connection, thus everything.
Anyway, glad everyone here found a solution and hope we all enjoy this machine now 🙂
on 14.05.2023 17:40
on 14.05.2023 17:40
Hello !
Je continue en français, plus facile pour moi 😉
Contente que ces échanges t'aient permis de régler ton souci, merci pour ton message @Izy. Clairement très stressant...
Alors, si je me rappelle bien, je crois que j'ai fini par réussir à installer les pilotes du wifi grâce à DriversCloud.
Il y a un utilitaire qui se télécharge sur clé usb afin de s'exécuter sur l'ordinateur sans connexion internet.
Il génère un fichier à enregistrer sur la clé. Sur un ordinateur avec internet, il faut le transmettre à DriversCloud pour avoir la liste des drivers suggérés.
Ensuite, il faut trouver le bon périphérique puisqu'ils sont tous inconnus...
En ouvrant les propriétés d'un périphérique en erreur, dans l'onglet détails, on peut trouver différents éléments comme l'identifiant du périphérique. En cherchant sur internet avec l'Id on trouve le périphérique.
Il me semble que c'est comme cela que j'ai identifié le wifi et mis à jour le pilote avec celui suggéré par DriversCloud ou que j'ai trouvé moi-même, je ne me souviens plus.
Avec internet sur l'ordinateur il est alors beaucoup plus facile de trouver les pilotes.
Voilà, bon courage pour ceux qui rencontrent ce type de problème !
En espérant que cela vous aide.
on 24.05.2023 22:50
Subject | Author | Posted | |
05.12.2024 10:12 | |||
03.07.2024 16:53 | |||
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09.12.2023 13:25 |