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Cheapest gaming pc I can build/buy?

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1.274 Weergaven
Bericht 1 van 3
1.274 Weergaven

Cheapest gaming pc I can build/buy?

I am VERY computer dumb and honestly I don't care that much to learn. But I love gaming. I've been an Xbox console gamer for a long time but I want to look into selling my Xboxone to get a pc. My friend recommended that I come here and learn how to build my own pc. He said that it will save me money as opposed to buying a pc from retail. The only purpose I'm buying this pc is for competitive gaming (specifically overwatch rn). I'm ok with running graphics/etc at minimum settings as long as I can still play games at a competitive level.

So my questions are:

  1. How much can I reasonably expect the cheapest competitive gaming computer that I could build cost me?

  2. Would the cost of building this pc save me significantly more money than buying a retail pc that is decently on sale?

  3. Any other useful info for this process?


Bericht 2 van 3
1.262 Weergaven
Bericht 2 van 3
1.262 Weergaven

Welcome to the forum @Kakashi008 


Building a computer is not as easy as youtube makes you think so. My advice, if you never did that before let some one else to do it for you. Aside hardware assemble there is a matter of software configuration and maintenance which involves a basic knowledge at least in order to get max performance and stability.

Another aspect is choosing the components where experience matters.

If I am to build a PC for myself I would go for a intel i7 (or i9 depending on the price) 10th or 11th generation,

2x8 GB DDR with acceptable low latency (15 CAS or lower) working in dual channel mode, a video card GTX 1080Ti or 1070Ti (RTX are somehow not yet optimized and most of the time creates problems in terms of performances), primary storage for windows 10 a M2 NVMe 256 gb where it sits nothing else except OS, secondary storage an M2 SATA 1Tb or bigger (in time can be added more SATA3 SSD if needed), all those sitting on a motherboard with intel chipset from Asrock (any that supports at least 32 Gb ram would do). The last and important just like any other component is the power supply. Target one that provide at least 1000W and if possible not LED on fans. Later on, based on testing, some additional fans installed on the case to assure a good airflow.

Anyway, there's a lot to talk about this.



Bericht 3 van 3
1.185 Weergaven
Bericht 3 van 3
1.185 Weergaven

Hi @Kakashi008 ,


did you made some expeiences in the meantime regarding your topic? If any further assistances is needed, pls let us know.




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