on 27.09.2023 11:49
on 27.09.2023 11:49
Hi I have a Desktop
MEDION ERAZER P66078 (MD 34629) UK, MSN: 1002 3317, PC System D098 UK
This unit has a GTX1650 in it and I am running windows 11.
It is out of warranty by 8 months
It has started to shut down unexpectedly and it is doing more frequently. The computer will be running and then all power goes off. It will not restart after this. To get it to restart you have to physically unplug the power cable and wait a few seconds, plug it back in and it powers up.
I first noticed on steam games so I thought it was GPU overheat. I have been monitoring system and GPU temps and making sure there is sufficient fan cooling applied. The system has become more unstable and just shuts down when using teams or other simple desktop apps. I am not seeing GPU overheat triggering this.
I have replaced the PSU with a new higher power PSU as all signs were pointing to a faulty PSU. Clearly that is not the problem.
What else can cause a PC to stop completely and suddenly as if the power was switched off. What else can I try to isolate the issue? I dont have another GPU or another desktop machine to go swapping bits.
Hoping for some pointers. Thanks
on 14.01.2024 11:39
on 14.01.2024 11:39
Just an update.. I got the shut down on the original hard drive so problem is not solved.
I also had the 500GB WD drive replaced under warranty. I put that in and was installing windows and go the shur down again... so its not the harddrive
on 26.01.2024 09:36
on 26.01.2024 09:36
Hi @rayalco ,
maybe it does sound wayyy to simple, but did you ever perform a test with the MEDION diagnostics tool?
Feedback really appreciated.
Major ToM