Thanks for both of your responses so far. @daddle Firstly, typing in Pegatron E15 KRR for motherboard manuals gave no relevant results either (as well as relevant variations thereof), so have given up with knowing by that approach, though good to know that's what the name is. Secondly, what is it in the naming of the board that suggests an m.2 socket is in place? Not heard this before and am intrigued. Thirdly, by NB do you mean Northbridge of the mainboard? I was wondering if looking that up somehow would warrant the answer. @sweetpoison Indeed, that's the post which prompted me to discover that my laptop has an m.2 drive socket in the first place. Whilst I'm now more inclined to think that its SATA support for the m.2 socket given that's what you said your experience with it was, you'll have to forgive my scepticism on this, I just could do with some proof. Re-reading your post, I think I gather that the laptop came with a m.2 drive already in place at purchase? If so, could you perhaps give me the make/model of it. Seeing as its established that the socket will only support one or the other (SATA or NVME), if your m.2 drive that first came with the laptop had the operating system on it, and was of course one of those formats, I would accept that as the answer to what the socket supports. Given the operating system being on that drive as well would show its bootable, and not something of a secondary nature, if that is possible. As well as the laptop being the same make and model as my own; most likely the difference in MSN/MD numbers being what drive comes with it at time of purchase. Again, forgive my scepticism, but both your responses to this would be most appreciated. Thanks
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