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It's little sad to we can't add own stations, but maybe someday we will back this feature. Only adding new or own stations its open new support ticket.
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How about P85024 radio, still can't use wifi-frontier now I'm angry I can't add stations and update becuse some not working... I must buy new radio becuse Medion and wifiradio-frontier think it's cool to make website close?!?! Now my radio is "electronic trash" I think medion never launch again this website for radios.
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Oh, that's so very sad, can I make new wifiradio-frontier account for my radio using access code and connect with my radio to manage? I think orginal wifiradio-frontier website have this feature
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I'm sorry my deutsch is not good, but try write what i mean: if I have Stations saved on wifi radio frontier for my medion [img]/t5/image/serverpage/image-id/4056i3757F4D58090EF4D/image-size/large?v=1.0&px=999[/img] can I make new wifiradio-frontier account and synchronize from old account?
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Und wenn jemand die Stationen auf der Seite gespeichert hat, die Sie auf dem Bildschirm angegeben haben, ich meine das Modell "P85024 (MD 86698)" wo kann ich sie zurückbekommen oder sie gießen, um Zugang zu ihnen zu haben?
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Ok, i write question in frontier website, now waiting for response. Medion its good radio and have daily update but its sad when stock stations from website doesn't work 😞
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Thank you for answer and i know about adding own stations, but how i can contact to "frontier"? I think support need new suggestions for repair and update website.
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I have Medion P85024 (MD 86698) and use portal for Medion P85024/P85035 (http://www.wifiradio-frontier.com/setupapp/medion/asp/AuthLogin/SignIn.asp) please repair this in my first question and add new update for this radio.
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Hello, i have question about radio stations in website portal, can you update website and add more radio stations from Japan and South Korea becuse this stations been delete or don't work.
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