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Medion E5005 recall

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9.906 Aufrufe

Medion E5005 recall

I have just had my E5005 phone replaced by Lenovo under their recall of faulty batteries scheme. All good,but....


The replacement phone was a slightly earlier model, S5004, and runs Android 5.1.1 rather than the Android 6.0 of the E5005. This seems to have resulted in some different or missing apps, for example Backup and Restore, which has made recovering settings rather more difficult than expected.


Yesterday, I went to the Update area, found there was an update and set it going. It took about 40 minutes, including 2 restarts, so I had hoped that it would have updated to Android 6, but it still says it is on 5.1.1.


I am reluctant to complain or criticise, because the S5004 seems to have better cameras and a higher powered processor and battery but would be interested to hear any comments about this. I see there are firmware updates to 6.0 on the Medion site, but they don't seem to apply to this phone.


Two other small niggles are that the S5004 came with a continental, rather than British plug on the charger, and the battery is internal and not replaceable. As the phone was manufactured in early 2016, this would imply that the battery will already be almost 3 years old.


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Nachricht 2 von 7
9.634 Aufrufe
Nachricht 2 von 7
9.634 Aufrufe

Hi Billaboard,

I suspect that you and I were some of the early responders to the recall!

I received my 'replacement' S5004 yesterday, and I'm very frustrated and disappointed.

I originally bought the E5005 exactly because it had Android 6 and a replacable battery.

I, too, waited (and waited.....) for the System and Installed Applications to update

As advised, I had backed up my apps and data. I had great trouble trying to restore them today, until I discovered on an official Goole Android Support site: "You can't restore a backup from a higher Android version onto a device running a lower Android version."

As to being an 'improved' camera, processor and battery. More pixels do not necessarily mean a 'better' camera (lens, aperture, pixel and photosensor size, focal length,....), more cores just take more power (if you make use them) and battery life can suffer from more cores - and the lack of throttling them back (features and modes introduced in Android 6).

There are many other features of Android 6 that I miss, but that will be up to individual preference and usage.

I concur with the suppled power adapter, and I was supplied with a black model when I had deliberately purchased a white E5005 (people don't walk off with it by mistake and it's easier to spot on a cluttered desk or in the dark!).


Certainly for my use the S5004 is a retrograde step that I am unwilling to take.

Nachricht 3 von 7
9.619 Aufrufe
Nachricht 3 von 7
9.619 Aufrufe

Yes, I suppose we should do something. I do think that for me the drop to Android 5 is the most important thing, especially for the lack of restore. Is there a url for the statement about backup/restore not working to lower Android versions?


My spare phone that I used while the 5005 was away is an ebay Chinese cheapie, badged THL, that cost about £25, and it runs Android 6. It actually is a very good phone and did everything I wanted, even though its paper spec is a little lower.


I have a feeling that the S5004's photos are slightly better than the ones taken with the E5005, but it's probably too early to judge. The screen resolution of the S5004 is, I think, better than the 5005. But being an earlier phone, the internal battery is almost certainly older than the replaceable one in the 5005.


We perhaps should both contact Medion or Lenovo and attempt to discuss whether the replacement phone can be upgraded to Android 6 or higher or whether there are other options.  I haven't yet looked at who or where we should contact.



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9.608 Aufrufe
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9.608 Aufrufe

Nachricht 5 von 7
7.772 Aufrufe
Nachricht 5 von 7
7.772 Aufrufe

Are they still issuing the S5004 as replacement for the E5005 or have they changed to a different model?


The guy I spoke to said that it depended what they had in stock.


I find the E5005 so slow, which may be down to 1GB of RAM, same as the S5004.

Nachricht 6 von 7
7.237 Aufrufe
Nachricht 6 von 7
7.237 Aufrufe

I received a P5006 (MD 60752) 32GB Flash, 2 GB RAM, 8MP, android 6 earlier this month as a replacement. Can't seem to find any reviews or videos on its performance though. 

Nachricht 7 von 7
7.211 Aufrufe
Nachricht 7 von 7
7.211 Aufrufe

Hi @meduzer 

sadly only in German :

a few technical data:

bye fishtown


Alles was man lange genug, konsequent mit System durchführt, führt zwangsläufig zum Erfolg.