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Medion Erazer X6816 fährt nach Bios Update nicht mehr hoch

New Voice
Message 1 of 22
Message 1 of 22

Medion Erazer X6816 fährt nach Bios Update nicht mehr hoch



da ich Probleme mit der integrierten Grafikkarte hatte (im zusammenhang mit Windows 10) habe ich mich nach langem überlegen für ein Bios update entschieden. Gesagt getan habe ich die neue Version 2.07 über Windows installiert (Alte Version war 2.03) Das update verlief auch ohne Probleme. Nach dem update hat sich das Notebook heruntergefahren.


Doch nun das Problem. Als ich ihn wieder hochfahren wollte ist das Notebook bei dem Medion Logo hängen geblieben. Auch ein F2: Enter Setup F10: Boot Menu drücken bringt nichts. Das Notebook ist die ganze Zeit am Rechnen und wird auch langsam heiß.


Jemand eine Idee was ich tun könnte?

Message 11 of 22
Message 11 of 22

Hallo, ich habe das bekannte Problem mit dem Akoya X6816 und dem schwarzen Bildschirm beim Hochfahren nach einer sauberen Win10 Instalation.

Ich habe schon vieles versucht ( GF deaktivieren, Treiber aktualisieren, uvm.), aber ich muss nach viel Recherche wohl nur das Bios updaten. Nur leider ist das mein Problem. Ich habe von Medion die beiden zum Download angebotenen Updates 2.07 und 5.09 versucht zu instalieren, was leider nicht ging. Beim 2.07 Update bekomme ich nach dem als Admin gestarteten exe die Meldung " flash bios programm (es kann kein bios aktualisiert werden) ". Beim 5.09 Update geht nachdem Klick auf die exe gar nix, da diese von Windows nicht ausgeführt werden kann. Ich habe es über einen USB Stick per Flash versucht, nur leider will das Bios kein Update zulassen, da es keine Möglichkeit gibt auf die Firmware zu gehen. Scheint wohl gesperrt zu sein. Es ist Version 2.03 drauf. Das Laptop startet nur im abgesicherten Modus.

Nun meine Frage:

Wie kriege ich das Update drauf?

Wie bekomme ich das Bios freigeschaltet für das Update?


Bin für jede Hilfe sehr dankbar !


Message 12 of 22
Message 12 of 22

Hallo, ich habe es irgendwie hinbekommen. Nach mehrmaligen Versuchen habe ich es geschaft Win10 normal (ohne Abgesicherten Modus) hochzufahren. Dann konnte ich das Bios Update 2.07 über die exe aufspielen.

Danach fuhr Win10 ohne schwarzen Bildschirm, somit also normal hoch. Anfangs ging das WLan nicht, was aber durch erneutes instalieren des neusten HotKeys von der Medion Treiber Seite nun auch perfekt läuft.


Fazit: Wenn das Problem mit dem schwarzen Bildschirm und nicht startendem WLan auftaucht, helfen die vorherigen Lösungen in diesem Thread weiter !!!



New Voice
Message 13 of 22
Message 13 of 22

 Sorry, I don't speak German, so I couldn't understand the solution to this problem well.

Long story short, I have an old, 11 years, laptop, Medion Erazer x6815. It still works fine for what I need, so I've decided to upgrade it with SSD (Crucial MX500).

And of course, after that I've updated my system to Windows 10.

And the problems began. The critical one was that Win10 doesn't support Intel HD3000 GPU. Microsoft has some drivers for this GPU, for some they even work, but I've tried dozens of versions and nothing helped. I NEEDED to upgrade BIOS. So I did it.

Problem with GPU has gone, but I've got a more serious one instead. The system cannot start from my SSD. It just hangs on Medion logo, unable even to enter BIOS. I've even made full CMOS reset (and changed the battery to a new one). But it didn't help (it has fixed a 10-years old bug, however, where my system couldn't normally shut down - I was using restart with the laptop unplugged - restart didn't work normally either - it first used to shut down computer completely and then power it up somehow, but the power on part wasn't working if unplugged).

The weird thing is, if I swap my SSD with my old HDD, enter BIOS, swap again and exit without saving - the system loads and works perfectly! Moreover, the old HDD also works (I am using this laptop with it right now), despite it has WIn7 on board and the new BIOS claimed it is for Win8 only.

After CMOS reset and rebuilding MBR I don't know what to do. Constantly swapping is not an option. 

Message 14 of 22
Message 14 of 22




@Faust-RSI  schrieb:

 Sorry, I don't speak German, so I couldn't understand the solution to this problem well.
The weird thing is, if I swap my SSD with my old HDD, enter BIOS, swap again and exit without saving - the system loads and works perfectly! Moreover, the old HDD also works (I am using this laptop with it right now), despite it has WIn7 on board and the new BIOS claimed it is for Win8 only.

What sort of installation is on the SSD? Is it your old Win 7 upgraded to Win 10, or a fresh Win 10 installation?


The  way I would try first, is to use the Win 10 USB-Stick (created by the Microsofts MediaCreationTool )  to do a repair inplace upgrade on your SSD, once it has bootet.  

When the SSD with Win 10 on it has bootet, you apply the USB Stick and start the "setup.exe" on the stick. This could repair the míssing or faulty files on your Win 10 installatipon on the SSD.


Otherwise I would try to update Win7 on the HDD with the Win 10 Installation USB Stick, created by the Microsofts MediaCreationTool as an Inplace Upgrade.

If that works, you could migrate your installation (Win7 up to Win10)  from the HDD to the SSD. But of course you would keep all the little nagging things from your old Win 7 with it, which could cause  problems.


Cheers, daddle






Cheers, daddle







New Voice
Message 15 of 22
Message 15 of 22

I firstly cloned my HDD with Win7 and then upgraded to Win10 already from SSD.

This motherboard doesn't support booting from USB, this is why I haven't tried this method, unless actual booting is not needed, but then I cannot understand how it should work...

Nevertheless, thank you for the answer and for the suggestion to firstly upgrade my HDD to Win10 and only then clone it. I will keep it in mind if nothing else works.


Also, could you please sum up for me that post about MBR from this thread? I believe the problem with partitions could be the real reason, not BIOS.

Message 16 of 22
Message 16 of 22



@Faust-RSI  schrieb:

I firstly cloned my HDD with Win7 and then upgraded to Win10 already from SSD.

? Could you explain this? I can not follow your thóughts.

You cloned the HDD Installation  to the SSD, right? And than you upgraded Win 7 on the SSD to Win 10?


Please name  the  MSN Number of your PC, to know the exact data. It's printed on a sticker on the bottom case.

That should be OK. But how did you do it? With a DVD with original Win 10 Software (Iso) on it? Or free by upgrading Win7 to Win 10 online?


But your Laptop definitely should be able to boot from an USB Stick. Insert the MediaCreationTool USB Stick into the PC, go into Bios and check for USB Harddisk, or USB HDD, and put it in first place.


 Often there is in the also a special key to make a choice for the booting device There should be the USB Stick listed.

This with the MCT created USB stick is a universal booting device.



New Voice
Message 17 of 22
Message 17 of 22

Yes, I did exactly this.


My laptop is MD97826 and its BIOS does not have an option to boot from USB - it simply doesn't exist.


Online upgrade didn't work, so I've used an option to download ISO and upgraded from it - worked fine.


Message 18 of 22
Message 18 of 22



Check it with the MediaCreationTool USB Stick plugged in.

New Voice
Message 19 of 22
Message 19 of 22

You were right, once plugged in, the additional options appears.

However, it won't boot. The windows logo briefly appears and then nothing happens.

New Voice
Message 20 of 22
Message 20 of 22

So, it's done. The reason/cause was so simple, yet I could hardly believe it. This thread wasn't meant for bashing, but what else is left. It was all Crucial default cloning app - Acronis True Image. All along. It failed multiply times in creating right partitions and MBR. It somehow managed to create partially working SSD for the first time, so I haven't noticed anything before trying to replicate the process 2 more times. I've switched to AOMEI solution - maybe not the best out there, but I now have fully updated and working Win10 on my 11 years old laptop. The end.