le 25.09.2015 00:08
le 25.09.2015 00:08
ich habe meinen mittelalten Laptop Medion Akoya MD 96370 von Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit auf Windows 10 upgradet. Danach lief der Laptop bis auf die Tastatur einwandfrei. Die Tastaturanschläge werden ca. 5 Sekunden verzögert angezeigt oder zeitweise nach jeweils 5 Buchstaben der Rest verschluckt. Desweiteren wird nach dem Versuch einen Großbuchstaben zu schreiben, alle weiteren Buchstaben großgeschrieben. Eine Aktualisierung des Tastaturtreibers führte nicht zum Erfolg. Nachdem ich das System wieder auf Windows 7 zurückgerüstet habe lief wieder alles einwandfrei.
Danach habe ich nochmals versucht das Upgrade auf Windows 10 zu installieren. Ergebnis : Tastatureingaben werden wieder verzögert verarbeitet und in allen Programmen sowie im Internet-Browser verzögert angezeigt.
Hat jemand von Euch das gleiche Fehlerbild und hierzu bereits eine Lösung ?? Für Eure Lösungsvorschläge wäre ich sehr dankbar
Viele Grüße
le 16.06.2020 13:13
le 16.06.2020 13:13
Thank you very much! The keyboard is working normally now and Windows update has not wrecked it yet...
I also have the microphone not working. Later in the original post, a link to the original drivers is mentioned, that I "translated" to https://www.medion.com/de/servicebackend/_lightbox/treiber_details.php?did=5561
Unfortunately, I have not managed to solve the problem with this driver package yet. The .EXE creates a folder in c:\MEDION\ but none of the executables in that folder seems to do anything.
le 16.06.2020 13:20
le 16.06.2020 13:38
le 16.06.2020 13:38
I did try to run it (as Administrator). After seemingly starting well, InstallShield fails with an error message that would translate from French into something like:
"Realtek High Definition Audio Driver - InstallShield Wizard
Install of the Realtek HD audio driver failed!! [Error Code : -0001]"
Thank you for your help!
le 16.06.2020 13:59
le 16.06.2020 13:59
@MaximeG #
Welll, you have to make sure you are on a real admn-account.
Search for cmd on your PC, and choose CMD as admin. Then you have to adapt the path (navigate) to
C:\Medion\Audio\Audio 5595 with cd\ and cd medion, cd audio, cd audio 5595 commands, until the prompt says C:\Medion\Audio\Audio 5595 Then start the setup.exe.
Here you can download all drivers for your PC and enter your MSN, or this one 30007436
le 16.06.2020 14:53
le 16.06.2020 14:53
Dear Daddle,
I'm sorry but running the setup from command-line gets exactly the same result as from double-click: it creates lots of files in C:\Program Files (x86)\Realtek\Audio\InstallShield but eventually fails with the error message I copied earlier.
Do you think I should try to download drivers directly from Realtek, such as:
le 16.06.2020 15:11
le 16.06.2020 15:11
PS: plugging an old headset with separate plugs for the speaker and the microphone into the front connections (speaker in the left one and microphone in the middle one) seems to work fine. At least, I could have a Skype "test call", but still nothing with the built-in microphone.
le 18.06.2020 08:22
le 18.06.2020 08:22
The problem with the built-in microphone seems to be solved now. I downloaded the installer file "0009-64bit_Win7_Win8_Win81_Win10_R282.exe" from Realtek and now the microphone is working.
Thank you for your help!