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Why is my hard drive not recognised in the removable frame?


Why is my hard drive not recognised in the removable frame?



You are not using the latest UEFI (BIOS). Install the latest UEFI for your computer, which you can find under this link.

Proceed as follows for the installation:

  • Quit all running programs.
  • Download the file from the link above.
  • Unpack the zip file.
  • Open the folder which contains the unzipped files.1
  • Right-click the WFH.bat file and select Start as administrator.
  • Follow the instructions on the screen.

If the update is not successful as expected, check whether the SATA cable of the removable frame is plugged into SATA port four.


1Please note that the zip folder in Windows Explorer can be opened and viewed with a double click, but executing the WFH.bat only leads to an error message. The WFH.bat can only be executed without errors when unzipped.


Important: MEDION AG accepts no liability whatsoever for any loss of data or hardware or software errors that occur as a result of the update. The customer acknowledges this when performing the update.

Version history
Last update:
‎06.12.2021 10:17
Updated by:
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