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motherboard went faulty

Message 1 sur 11
5 043 Visites
Message 1 sur 11
5 043 Visites

motherboard went faulty



I have bought a laptop Erazer X7849 in Feb 2018, and in July 2019 it just stopped working.

I've contacted both the seller LaptopsDirect and Medion, and both refuse to acknowledge my 2 years warranty.

They claim I only have one year.

And the thing is that LaptopsDirect didn't give me any warranty documents at all, not even one that says 1 year of warranty.


In the end I agreed to pay for the repair.

Sent it back to Medion for repair, paid two estimates they have sent me, and in the end they said it cannot be repaired anymore.

Now I have a dead expensive laptop.


Good customer service from Medion reneging their warranty for a brand new laptop.

Message 2 sur 11
4 488 Visites
Message 2 sur 11
4 488 Visites



That `s bad luck, of course. Sorry for that. But if you bought in Europe Union, you have two years, but the second year you must give proof you didn't kill it yourself.

But in the Medion Shop you might get a new Mainboard.

Check for your MSN here:

In fact I do think the mainboards fpr other MSN- or MD-Numbers migt fit as well.

They are very expensive, but the Erazer itself wasn`t quite cheap either, something betwenn 1799,- and 2700,-€ nowadays, depending on the Proc, Memory graphic adapter etc.


Regards, daddle

Message 3 sur 11
4 484 Visites
Message 3 sur 11
4 484 Visites

Yeah, I have paid £1300 for it.

The thing is that Medion repair team said it cannot be repaired anymore.

So if they couldn't find the motherboard to repair it (after I have paid them to do it), do you really think I could be able to find it somewhere else?


And the most important point is that Medion should honour their initial promise of 2 years of warranty.


I see now they are giving a 3 years warranty on Erazers.

Shall I buy a brand new one again? And in case it fails after 15 months do you think they will honour their warranty, or will they do the same claiming I had only one year?


Message 4 sur 11
4 481 Visites
Message 4 sur 11
4 481 Visites

I just had a look at the spare parts website, and found my motherboard is available only on demand (what that means?), and it costs £510

Mainboard MSN: 40062759

Most interesting is that they give a 24 months warranty on it.


How can you Medion give 24 months warranty on spare parts, but only 12 months for a full brand new product?


I am being stabbed by the Medion in plain sight here and nobody is doing absolutely nothing.



Message 5 sur 11
4 480 Visites
Message 5 sur 11
4 480 Visites



It depends. Where in which country did you buy the Erazer?

An on the page with the spare parts you could send a so called "Anfrage" ( the red button); may be another Medion-subsidiary in another country, eg. UK, might still have some on stock.

@bob_747  schrieb:

Yeah, I have paid £1300 for it.

The thing is that Medion repair team said it cannot be repaired anymore.

So if they couldn't find the motherboard to repair it (after I have paid them to do it), 

How can that be? I gues You will have paid for the check up, but not for a total repair,??


regards daddle

Message 6 sur 11
4 477 Visites
Message 6 sur 11
4 477 Visites

No, I did not pay for a check up only.

When I sent them the laptop I asked for a repair (I didn't mention full, but what else can there be?)

After 3 weeks they have sent me an estimated quote.

I have paid it immediately.

Next day, they have sent me a second quote saying the first was wrong.

I have paid the second one immediately, too.


After another week they told me it cannot be repaired and that's it.

Message 7 sur 11
4 474 Visites
Message 7 sur 11
4 474 Visites



And you never got the money back for the first estimated repair costs? I hardly can believe this.

An the second quote should have been much less then, just for finding the fauilty MB?

Message 8 sur 11
4 468 Visites
Message 8 sur 11
4 468 Visites

no, the first quote was smaller, then the second higher, and when they told me it cannot be repaired anymore, they offered to refund both quotes (still waiting for the money back).


with respect daddle, you don't get it.

I am mad because I have bought a laptop with 2 years of warranty, and Medion won't accept that.

They claim it was only one year.


In fact Medion has NEVER sold a brand new product in UK with less than 2 years warranty.

I can find right now the exact same laptop in old websites from 2017 in UK they give 24 months warranty.


They told me because I have no proof, then I don't have a two year warranty.

I said OK, then please can you give me a proof that when I have bought my laptop you were only offering a one year warranty on it?

They have never replied back.

Message 9 sur 11
4 451 Visites
Message 9 sur 11
4 451 Visites

Hi @bob_747, welcome to the FORUM.


Could you please message me in private your customer number and the reference number for your case so I can investigate it further?


I will then get back to you through the most appropriate channel.


Best regards,


Message 10 sur 11
4 415 Visites
Message 10 sur 11
4 415 Visites

Thank you Gehringer,

I have sent you a rather long private message.

