18.09.2019 19:32
18.09.2019 19:32
I have this laptop for about a week and I notice something beyond stupidity. BETTERY IS NOT CHARGING sometimes.
To begin with, I noticeed an app called from Fn+F4 which was suppose to be a power management. There I've found the most stupid option ever regarding the battery charging system: start charging if level is lowr than 20% and stop if is above 65%.
Guys, this is STUPID.
Anyway, after uninstalling the driver Pegars PHotkey the battery started to charge as intended from 90% to 100%. Until today when I started the laptop and the battery was 98% again plugged in, not charging.
So, despite the fact that the battery is ridiculous small in size, to stay on AC power and the battery level 30% not charging it's way to stupid.
I mean there are a lot of stupid things done on this laptop model but at least help me to fix this one.
Oh, while writign this I had removed the power cord and under control panel => power management I did a "restore default" and now it's back on charging after plugged in.
22.09.2019 21:09
22.09.2019 21:09
Hello again,
Thanks for reply Fishtown. It doesn't help at all but thanks for info. Call it superstition but in more than 15 years the only batteries Li-ION I've damage were those who's got to 0% and I always keep them full when I get the chance of charging even if it is to charge them from 98% to 100%.
Anyway, I've figured out what was wrong to begin with. The charging relay triggers at lower than 95% battery level and turns off at 100% hence the meaning of original post.
Still, uninstalling HKey program was a good call for more than 1 reason and I won't install it back unless an updated version will be avaiable.
Overall this thead can be closed.
PS. Fishtown You might consider polishing your communications skill because it looks like you called me stupid....
22.09.2019 19:51
22.09.2019 19:51
Hi @sweetpoison
A constant charge of between 30 and 70 percent increases the life of Li-ion batteries.
Not too full charge: In general, permanently high charge levels are detrimental to a lithium-ion battery
bye Fishtown
22.09.2019 21:09
22.09.2019 21:09
Hello again,
Thanks for reply Fishtown. It doesn't help at all but thanks for info. Call it superstition but in more than 15 years the only batteries Li-ION I've damage were those who's got to 0% and I always keep them full when I get the chance of charging even if it is to charge them from 98% to 100%.
Anyway, I've figured out what was wrong to begin with. The charging relay triggers at lower than 95% battery level and turns off at 100% hence the meaning of original post.
Still, uninstalling HKey program was a good call for more than 1 reason and I won't install it back unless an updated version will be avaiable.
Overall this thead can be closed.
PS. Fishtown You might consider polishing your communications skill because it looks like you called me stupid....
22.09.2019 22:37
22.09.2019 22:37
Hi @sweetpoison
"There I've found the most stupid option"
thats all
bye Fishtown