on 13.03.2024 16:23
on 13.03.2024 16:23
My MEDION Erazor P7647 MD 60804 has developed a noisy fan, I have opened the laptop up, could not see anything physically wrong with the fan.
After successfully replacing the Hard Drive and adding an extra memory module, I thought I could do my self.
Look on Amazon for a replacement, but no idea which one to buy.
Could you let me know where to get a replacement or what part number I need to order one.
Secondly looking at the existing fan I noticed there were no retaining screws fitted, not quite sure how to remove the fan or actually fit the new one, is there a video to show the procedure?
If fitting the fan required special knowledge, please et me know where to take it laptop so it can be fixed tyvmFan Info Sticker
Fan within laptop
on 13.03.2024 19:15
on 13.03.2024 19:15
Hello @Renme and welcome
Maybe @Dr-Fred can help you, he had the same fan and also had problems removing it, see this post:
Moin @Dr-Fred , kannst du ihn sagen wo er den Ersatzlüfter bestellen kann.
bye Fishtown
on 14.03.2024 11:43
on 19.03.2024 12:44
on 19.03.2024 12:44
I have ordered a fan, when it arrive will investigate how to fit it, apparently tape is needed to secure it, what type of tape do I need?