le 05.07.2023 09:29
le 05.07.2023 09:29
HI, I have this issue from the day i got the laptop. I have reinstalling the windows for 2 times, i have reinstall the video driver for several times too and nothing seams to work. For what i can see here, people are talking about the BIOS. My current version BIOS is N.1.14M EC version 0.27.00. Can anyone can tell me if there is any BIOS update i can make and where to find it? Ohh yes,my MEDION Windows Diagnostics app can`t provide me with any download links for any drivers.
le 21.06.2024 16:32
le 21.06.2024 16:32
Hi there @Major_ToM ,
I was wondering if there had been any news on this front? Despite all the previous bios updates etc. I'm still having issues with bluescreens on my X40.
Many thanks
le 24.06.2024 07:40
le 24.06.2024 07:40
Hi @DistraughtBanan ,
if you are running the current Bios N1.23MED08_EC_1.14.00 with the latest Windows updates and the issues are still occurring, I´d suggest to get in contact with your local service team, tohave the option to open up a service/repair case.
Major ToM