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Deputy P25 having problems charging

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Message 1 sur 6
959 Visites

Deputy P25 having problems charging

Hi all,

I've had this laptop for around 3/4 years now and have not had any previous problems with it, however recently it seems to struggle with charging. Not sure how to test if its a battery problem or a charger problem. any help would be appreciated.

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Message 2 sur 6
948 Visites



Hi exiphr,


have you checked the plug and charging socket to see whether they have loose contact?
To test, move the plug back and forth and up and down a little and observe the charging indicator light to see whether it turns on or off as you move it.

And if you have a volt meter, measure the output voltage in the charging plug 


Rated Input Voltage: 100-240 * Output Voltage: 18.5 - 20.5 
Schnittstellen/Konnektivität: 	* Plug: 10 x 5,5 x 2,5
+ = in
- = out 



Cheers, daddle 

Message 3 sur 6
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Message 3 sur 6
937 Visites



Hi daddle,

I've checked the charging socket and the plug the contacts seems to be alright and nothing is lose.

However after checking the charger again it seems the pin only works at certain angles. 

dont know if this is a problem with the laptop or the charger.

also what should my next steps be. Should i order a new charger? what is the cheapest alternative for this laptop .


Thank you for your help:)

Message 4 sur 6
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Message 4 sur 6
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 You should try to distinguish if the broken current comes through the cable, or if it is in the socket.

you should move and bent gently the DC cable, especially near the charging plug and near the charging unit; these are preferably vulnerable points.


The other thing ist to move the plug in the socket gently up and down, and sideways, while keeping the wire carefully straight in contact position. And watch the charging LED, if it flickers.


Or get a multimeter to measure the voltage in the charging plug. It should be inbetween 18.5 and 20.5 degrees C

Be careful not to shorten the plus (inside pin) and minus ( the full metal jacket) contacts.


Only after knowing where the faulty loose contact is, in the cable or in the socket,  one can give  advice what is to be done..




Message 5 sur 6
774 Visites
Message 5 sur 6
774 Visites



Hey daddle sorry for the late reply but i managed to get a new charger using my warranty. 

tried plugging it and it would work for like 5 seconds 

checked the acc charging port and ive noticed that the bottom pins of the charger port seem discoloured and slight orange .

so i decided to charge the laptop upside down and it seems to charge perfectly.

any way to resolve the issue about the pins on the bottom.

im not sure how to clean it properly with the correct tools.


 thank you  

Message 6 sur 6
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Message 6 sur 6
768 Visites



@daddle  schrieb:

..get a multimeter to measure the DC voltage in the charging plug. It should be inbetween18.5 and 20.5 degrees C

Be careful not to shorten the plus (inside pin) and minus ( the full metal jacket) contacts.

A correction to my previous post: It should say "Or get a multimeter to measure the voltage in the charging plug. It should be inbetween 18.5 and 20.5 V."



@exiphr  schrieb 


I managed to get a new charger using my warranty. 

checked the acc charging port and ive noticed that the bottom pins of the charger port seem discoloured and slight orange .

tried plugging it and it would work for like 5 seconds 


so i decided to charge the laptop upside down and it seems to charge perfectly.

The bottom pins ? Are there more then one? You speak about the port in the laptop I assume. It is a port with a hollow connector with one central pin.

It is listed as PSUP Chicony A17-230P1A 3-Pin 230W on the AC side and a hollow connector wirth a central pin on the DC side.


If your laptop charges only if it is put upside down first idea is there is something loose inside.

Most of the time it is a loose contact in the soldering point of the central pin to the circuit board.

Or maybe a loose connection of an inside cable.  Is the battery fixed properly ?

