le 01.04.2020 11:26
le 01.04.2020 11:26
Just bought it and am at the point of installing software - Office 365, VLC and stuff and fan is constantly at 80 % or more, which is VERY loud. What to do ? I cant even imagine what will happen when i try an actual game.
le 16.04.2020 15:25
le 16.04.2020 19:19
le 16.04.2020 19:19
would do that already, but cant really afford that now with all the work from home.
le 17.04.2020 11:12
le 08.07.2020 11:04
le 08.07.2020 11:04
Hi, you can check the air outlet. If it is blocked, there will be heat dissipation problems, and the CPU temperature will be very high. At this time, the system will automatically increase the fan speed.