on 10.10.2024 16:41
on 10.10.2024 16:41
I bought ERAZER Engineer E10
B560H6-EM2 V1.0 - must support DDR4 - 3200 MHz
bios ver. 560h6em2.116 - seems it is last version.
Memory initially was 8 Gb (from Medion), formally on the memory bank was text 3200 MHz, but in BIOS was number only 2933 MHz. It was already strange.
I bought new Corsair 16 Gb 3200 MHz and got 2133 MHz in BIOS 🙂
Bios settings are very poor. Can not improve it. No XMP, any clocks or smt. like this.
Please give advice, how to correct it?
Buy another more rich DDR4?
on 11.10.2024 11:16
on 11.10.2024 11:16
@Evgenii schrieb:Trick with 3200 MHz sounds like -
if I sell car and named it airplane 🙂 because if set motor of car to airplane, it will fly.
No, it's not really a trick!. Your c comparison only would fit if the Memory would have be named as a disk or another PC part!
About your other questions I do not know, As I said it should have the same specs as the built in 8 GB.
So point 1.) sounds the best.
13.10.2024 19:32 - edited 13.10.2024 22:39
13.10.2024 19:32 - edited 13.10.2024 22:39
I have read long theme https://community.medion.com/t5/ERAZER-Gaming-PCs/B560H6-EM2-XMP-Aktivieren/td-p/171812 .
Even more.
If Medion made hard change (or restrict for safety, you can name it as you prefer ) memory on motherboard,
what guaranty that CPU is not hard restricted by motherboard? By some hidden way, for example.
Or GPU? For safety of user, of course 🙂
on 30.10.2024 12:23
on 30.10.2024 12:23
@Evgenii schrieb:
If Medion made hard change (or restrict for safety, you can name it as you prefer ) memory on motherboard,
what guaranty that CPU is not hard restricted by motherboard? By some hidden way, for example.
Or GPU? For safety of user, of course 🙂
Don't get lost in conspiracy theories. The techhnical specs only describe the RAM ability to run up to 3200 MHz.
This doesn't say, in no ways, the PC runs at the maximum the RAM allows. The chipset on the board is the limiiting factor; is the Jedec 2933 MHz
Cheers, daddle
on 30.10.2024 17:33
on 30.10.2024 17:43
on 30.10.2024 17:43
I had 11 gen CPU
it should support 3200.
30.10.2024 17:47 - edited 31.10.2024 12:55
30.10.2024 17:47 - edited 31.10.2024 12:55
Yes could be. You have a link? But the chipet is the limiting factor.
But seeing it is an OEM board, Medion most probably restricts the use of the higher frequencies, to have less trouble with errors at the upper limit.
But you having conspiracy fears about a throttled CPU, that's what I answered for !
Subject | Author | Posted | |
07.01.2024 20:36 | |||
11.03.2024 11:55 | |||
24.01.2025 09:36 | |||
03.12.2024 18:51 |