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@daddle yeah i got some minor issues with playing music en some games do crash and cannot be played like "let it die" so im thought increasing the RAM would help but it doesn't really atleast not with playing music it still makes click sounds sometimes and it happens only with my laptop. i havent tested the game (let it die) yet im still downloading it
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@daddle hello daddle i installed new RAM chips (2x8GB ddr3 sodimm low voltage 1600mhz) but its seems that its not being used sometimes my RAM usage goes just a tiny bit over 8.0gb one time i got 8,8GB RAM usage does this mean thats the new space is not being used because it kinda looks that way, but on the otherhand the system recognizes that it now has 16GB RAM in the "about" menu in settings so im puzzled
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hello @daddle could u tell me please how far i can max my laptop's specs out so its can run games better i know the RAM's max is 16 GB because of the type used (DDR3) but is there anything else i can do msn: 3022714
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the MSN: 30022714 i got an i5 6200 cpu it clocks just 2,5 ghz its way to slow for a game like leaugue of legends but it can handle yu-gi-oh or counter strike.
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en voordat ik het vergeet, of uberhaupt de laptop compatible is met een andere processor. nogmaals ik kan hier niks over vinden online
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hallo ik heb recent een Medion erazer P7643 in mijn bezit gekregen en ik vroeg me af of ik zonder verdere aanpassingen aan het koelingssysteem of aan de powersupply een betere processor in de laptop zou kunnen zetten voordat ik hem open maak, ik kan hier online niks over vinden dus hopelijk kan iemand mij een antwoord geven MSN: 30022714
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