@Broken_comp So check the M.2 SSD, take it out . Can you get into Bios then? Check the RAM, a faulty RAM might be the reason as well. But first you also could try to boot the PC from a USB Windows Installation Stick made by the MediaCreationTool --> > https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10 At last I woud suggest you take the Laptop to a professional; it might be a total loss. Edit. You also should check the PSU if it still delivers current. If not, it could be the charger does not charge anymore, which means the battery is deeply discharged and provokes this strange behavior. Is the charger plugged into a wall socket? Does it provide the standard voltage? Just name the MSN number of your laptop. It's a 8 digit number starting with 3003 .... on a sticker underneath. If this all doesn't help, we can not help any further. daddle
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