Ok u smart and friendly superuser. if you think you helped me here explain how in the name of since my laptop works now ???? i had to find medion bios for my own and just flash it with a programmer. wouldn’t be helpful if you just provide the bin/rom file as i asked?!? On the other hand, you ask me a lot of things, i show you picture with the machine “messed up bios” and you tell me it has only 8gb of ram instead of 16 as the machine came from factory. are you serious?!? i told you the machine came with mechrevo bios and not installing rtx drivers, and it will need original medion bios in order to install the drivers! why??? Because the nvidia mods/mats it’s passed by the card, so if there’s no problem with that it should get installed. If there was a different problem with the gpu itself, it would not display anything when switched to dgpu. And to give you another strong explanation about the bios consequences stopping driver installation: each manufacturer gives a device id for it’s machine model. This id is provided to nvidia along with the gpu device id, and nvidia will include it on the driver information file. If you try to install a nvidia driver on a machine that is not listed in that information file it won’t install it. this was the problem in my case! Machine device id + vga device id was’t found by nvidia drivers at installation. Even windows could not figure it out what card was installed (microsoft basic display adapter) meanwhile i got the correct bios and machine works. See attached picture… so yes a big F for this support because they did not provide what i ask for. Why the F medion does not provide bios files on their website as any other respectable company does?!??!! don’t bsht me about the different designs or insides of these machines. i will explain to you this also: tongfang is the factory producer of these motherboards and they are proprietary of the mb design. They also design the case for this mb and it happen to be the same for medion also. the only difference is that each company puts in: main bios, ec bios and vga bios. Just to make it look like it’s different then other. the motherboard is the same for : medion x15809, clevo, xpg, mechrevo, and a few other 5-7 brands!!! i am sure you are superuser for a reason and you already know all about this! Maybe you are not allowed to say anything… it’s not my problem. the real problem is that a user on this forum asked for a bin/rom main bios file and NO ONE helped me here! it’s a f bios file which any respectable company provides, on their website, just to help their customers in case something goes wrong. again a big F for all the time u made me wait (5-6days) to not receive anything! F this SUPPORT ! Good bye and i hope the few that could read this will stay away from this kind of companies. Waste of time and money!
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