Hello everyone.
@bublik schrieb: So far I found out this needs a 65W 3,42A 19V charge
That is correct.
@bublik schrieb: but I'm having troubles finding the dimensions of the power supply's pin that goes into the Notebook.
The connector dimensions are 5.5mm x 2.5mm x 11mm.
@bublik schrieb: I found this one for exemple, but nor sure the charger's pin has compatible dimensions, 2.5/5.5, would that work? Thank you https://www.amazon.it/LEICKE-Alimentatore-Medion-Notebook-KSAFI1900342T1M2/dp/B0028PUWA8/ref=sr_1_2?__mk_it_IT=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5%BD%C3%95%C3%91&crid=328WL7JJ8U4VO&keywords=alimentatore+MEDION+Notebook+E6247&qid=1663750150&sprefix=alimentatore+medion+notebook+e6247%2Caps%2C257&sr=8-2
Yes, that works.
@daddle schrieb:
Or you trust us, or leave it. We can not give you a link to the Medion Database, but we can read! 😉
But you seemingly not 🙂
Your choice of words is absolutely inappropriate and impertinent. Stop insulting other users in this way.
@bublik schrieb: Did last try at a local Chinese store and of course they had the proper plug which is 5.5*2.5, could be useful to someone else in the future looking at this thread
That is correct. Thank you for the information.
@Fishtown schrieb: Nice that you found a suitable power supply. but that also says that the information stored in the database is not correct. hello @Andi (moderator) can you please verify that.
This was an error in our database. This has already been corrected. Thank you very much for the hint.
Greetings - Andi
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