Die problem ist der "certificate" ist falsch ausgegeben...Gehe Einmal zu https://www.digicert.com/help/ und der certiicate seht zu aus: DNS resolves www.icomen.net to HTTP Server Header: nginx/1.15.12 TLS Certificate Common Name = www.icomen.net Subject Alternative Names = www.icomen.net, icomen.net Issuer = Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2 Serial Number = B2AB0421DA81B4F5 SHA1 Thumbprint = 0C05DBEB14EC4DBDD4B912B223E94DAEF236575D Key Length = 2048 Signature algorithm = SHA256-RSA Secure Renegotiation: TLS Certificate has not been revoked OCSP Staple: Not Enabled OCSP Origin: Good CRL Status: Good TLS Certificate expiration The certificate expires March 2, 2022 (386 days from today) Certificate Name matches www.icomen.net Subject www.icomen.net Valid from 29/Jan/2021 to 02/Mar/2022 Issuer Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2 TLS Certificate is not trusted The certificate is not signed by a trusted authority (checking against Mozilla's root store). If you bought the certificate from a trusted authority, you probably just need to install one or more Intermediate certificates. Contact your certificate provider for assistance doing this for your server platform.
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