29.02.2016 21:46 - modifié 29.02.2016 21:47
le 29.02.2016 21:57
le 29.02.2016 21:57
moin @kacpero423 - willkommen hier - wellcome!
what do you intend to say?
what is your prob with the CPU?
just give a little bit more info (MD MSN & Build & co)
le 29.02.2016 22:04
le 29.02.2016 22:08
le 29.02.2016 22:08
and why don't you join your mentioned thread directly?
imho there is no need to open another one!
le 01.03.2016 10:17
le 01.03.2016 10:17
Hi @kacpero423 and welcome to the MEDION Community,
@McB is absolutely right, why don´t you use the already existing P8311/12 tablet thread for your issue?
Major ToM