le 26.02.2017 14:27
le 26.02.2017 14:27
Hi / Hallo
Just got the model as an replacement model from Aldi and lifted the OS to Lollipop (5.02)
Will the Lifetab P8911 ever get the Marshmallow (Android 6.0) update?
Can the update be done without any "interference" from Medion or is the OS a special version for the company / model?
le 02.03.2017 10:54
le 02.03.2017 10:54
Hi @Hello-out-there,
regarding our latest information from tech dept. we currently have no certain hints, that an OTA update of the LIFETAB P8911/12 series up to Android 6.x will be available soon.
By the way, did you already experienced our English MEDION Community, where you can discuss topics in english language?
Vi ses,
Major ToM