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Just replaced the battery, now the laptop won't start if it has the battery plugged in

Message 1 of 2
Message 1 of 2

Just replaced the battery, now the laptop won't start if it has the battery plugged in

Medion Akoya P6624 that came back to life after putting in some new components like Ram and an SSD.

If the laptop is plugged in and it has the new battery it won't start, the power led it will blink an orange light 5 times and nothing else.

If the laptop only has the new battery it still blinks but won't start. (Only happened once but now ir doesn't do anything)

If I remove the battery and has the power cable the laptop will start normally.

If I plug in the old battery it will start but obviously, once I disconnect the pc it will immediately turn off since I suppose that the old battery is broken.

If I try to turn on the pc with only the old battery obviously nothing will happen.

If I turn on the laptop and then i force plug in the battery (ik that's bad lol) the battery icon in the taskbar will blink between having no icon and having a 🚫 icon. But that only worked the first time for some reason, now when I plug in the battery when the laptop is on it will turn off instantly.

The laptop has been plugged in with the battery for a while already, I don't think it's even charging.

Maybe it's because I am not using the original AC cable? That wouldn't make a lot of sense since it doesn't even turn on with the battery but it does without it and I'm not going to spend 50$ on a cable that has the same exact specs.

Also the battery is not official I guess, but it did mantain the laptop on for like a minute wihout the power cable when I force inserted it as I mentioned before so it works, and I'm not spending 50$ on a battery for a pc that is from 2011

Message 2 of 2
Message 2 of 2



Deine Beschreibungen sagen nur eines, wenn folgende Voraussetzungen vorliegen:


Das Netzteil bzw das Netzteilkabel hat keinen Wackelkontakt, und ..

 es  ist das originale Netzteil, oder ein Ersatz mit den gleichen Spezifikationen:


Der neue Ersatzakku ist total erschöpft oder sogar defekt. Oder die Ladeelektronik - dann dürfte das NB aber auch nicht auf Netzstrom bei herausgenommenen Akku funktionieren. Oder das Netzteil liefert eine Unterspannung, die gerade noch ausreicht das NB zu betreiben,

wenn der Strom aber durch den Akkuanschluss weiter belastet wird, die Spannungsversorgung nicht mehr ausreicht.


Wo hast Du den Akku her? Ist der schon lange gelagert, vielleicht schon beim Händler?


Gruss, daddle