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Erazer X7851

New Voice
Nachricht 1 von 13
2.908 Aufrufe
Nachricht 1 von 13
2.908 Aufrufe

Erazer X7851

I appear to have suddenly lost the control centre that allows me to change the keyboard backlight and it has reverted to blue.

It's not the first time this has happened and on previous occassions I've managed to fix it after spending way too long googling and trying everything. This time though I cannot figure it out.

I downloaded the correct control centre (I think) but still nothing works and the control centre doesn't even show as installed.

I'm seriously pulling my hair out here, can someone please help?

Thank you

Nachricht 2 von 13
2.067 Aufrufe
Nachricht 2 von 13
2.067 Aufrufe

Hello @WhateverOverIt  and welcome
did you uninstall the old control center first?
which version did you reinstall? the version of drive d :/recover or from the medion service page:
download/extract the zip file and install.

bye Fishtown

Alles was man lange genug, konsequent mit System durchführt, führt zwangsläufig zum Erfolg.
New Voice
Nachricht 3 von 13
2.060 Aufrufe
Nachricht 3 von 13
2.060 Aufrufe

Thank you so much for responding Fishtown.

At the risk of sounding like a complete muppet I'm going to be completely honest. I have downloaded so many different things now I don't know what I've done.

I found something on this forum that told someone else to reinstall from the drivers. I followed what they did but the only control centre showing did not say Erazer control centre.

I do believe I've downloaded zip files and the one from that link in your initial response. Should I try again?

New Voice
Nachricht 4 von 13
2.055 Aufrufe
Nachricht 4 von 13
2.055 Aufrufe

So I just downloaded the zip file from your link and installed it.

Laptop was restarted, Should I now have a way to access it because I'm seeing nothing.

Thanks again

Nachricht 5 von 13
2.050 Aufrufe
Nachricht 5 von 13
2.050 Aufrufe

hello @WhateverOverIt 

if everything went well you should be able to open the control center with Fn+ESC.

control center.png

bye Fishtown

Alles was man lange genug, konsequent mit System durchführt, führt zwangsläufig zum Erfolg.
New Voice
Nachricht 6 von 13
2.045 Aufrufe
Nachricht 6 von 13
2.045 Aufrufe

Sadly that would make life too easy. I've tried fn+esc but nothing happens.

I uninstalled the control centre and reinstalled the correct one - nothing.

I truly am at a loss and previous times I suspect it was a fluke that I managed to get it back. I don't even know what made it stop working in the first place.

Absolutely doing my nut in now

Thank you for any advice you can offer

New Voice
Nachricht 7 von 13
2.044 Aufrufe
Nachricht 7 von 13
2.044 Aufrufe

I also don't have that icon to click in the taskbar - or anywhere.

Nachricht 8 von 13
2.037 Aufrufe
Nachricht 8 von 13
2.037 Aufrufe

hello @WhateverOverIt ,

just to be sure:

did you extract the folder before the installation? that's important, that's the only way it works properly

control center ex..png

bye Fishtown

Alles was man lange genug, konsequent mit System durchführt, führt zwangsläufig zum Erfolg.
New Voice
Nachricht 9 von 13
2.033 Aufrufe
Nachricht 9 von 13
2.033 Aufrufe

Hi Fishtown.


Yes, i extracted all. I then clicked the setup application in the 2nd folder? there were 2 folders but the 3nd one seemed to be a newer application.

I've still got nothing.

Nachricht 10 von 13
2.029 Aufrufe
Nachricht 10 von 13
2.029 Aufrufe

Hi @WhateverOverIt 

sorry for asking again, but did you take the right folder (file folder)?

cc dateinordner.png


there the cc comes first.

cc dateinordner1.png

cc setup.png

bye Fishtown

can you find the control center in the control panel under installed programs?

Alles was man lange genug, konsequent mit System durchführt, führt zwangsläufig zum Erfolg.