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New Voice
Message 1 sur 6
7 247 Visites
Message 1 sur 6
7 247 Visites


Hello, my new X7847 has some issues and i want to share them.


In windows the computer is noisy, the mouse cursor is sometime slow, the CPU heat in windows-> i shut down MShybrid mod and everything is ok now.

In windows i had much freeze, blu screen with "power state failure", i changed setting in  advanced power mode-> It seems ok now.


Why Medion Use TN screen on a 150euros laptop?

The color balance is bad, i did new setting with less blue and green-> the color are perfect now

The blacks have some clouding at the edge of the screen(on a 150euros laptop?!)


If any one has same issue, u can disscuss about it.



Message 2 sur 6
7 105 Visites
Message 2 sur 6
7 105 Visites

Hi @rambo


If I understand correctly, you've actually already solved most problems you have with the notebook? That might be valuable info for other users who might run into the same problems, may I ask which setting you changed exactly to solve the BSOD issues? 

With regards to the choice of screen, I dont think we'll be able to answer that, its a design choice of Medion, my guess it  is to keep the price at the 1500 euro range, considering the system has quite hefty specs? Besides, IPS screens can have their own share of problems with bleeding etc. 😛





Kind regards,
New Voice
Message 3 sur 6
7 098 Visites
Message 3 sur 6
7 098 Visites

After several days without any crash, i can confirm there is only one setting to do.: Shut down MShybrid mode from the control center.

The net book use only the nvidia card for the graphique.Intel chip is disabled.


About the screen i found an icc profile here :

After loading this profil, i compared to the medion "MEDION ERAZER P6661", an IPS screen, the colors a almost the same, it seems to be the right profil.this is a good TN 🙂

I think the the GS73 have the same screen, and the same problem, i have some "cloud" at the edge, but it is acceptable.


Sorry for my bad english.




Message 4 sur 6
6 811 Visites
Message 4 sur 6
6 811 Visites

Hello there,


I've just bought this laptop and I have the same problem.

Micro stuttering happening only in Windows... it's like my CPU has a huge peak and the mouse is stuck for 2ms.

I thought it could've been the Operating System coming with the laptop so I format it with no luck.

I read all over the internet and some people were experiencing this due to the GPU Switch (MS Hybrid).

After disabling this option the computer seems to behave properly.

These can be disabled in the BIOS or using the Medion Control Center (Changing MS Hybrid to discrete).

The only issue with it is that you're basically disabling your  Intel Graphic Card and using only the 1070... 


I hope it is just a driver issue or BIOS issue and Medion comes up with a patch asap.

Otherwise, if this is kind of issue with graphic controller I'd be a bit dissapointed.

No need to say it will make the computer a non buy for lot of people.


I'm phoning them tomorrow to see what they say.



Message 5 sur 6
6 058 Visites
Message 5 sur 6
6 058 Visites

I have the same issue with the trackpad freezing, it does it in gaming and while working, it's very frustrating.  I also get it in Skype when I am typing the machine freezes and I have to wait for it to catch-up, it's really annoying, it does it all the time.  Is it a trackpad fault or something else?

Message 6 sur 6
5 997 Visites
Message 6 sur 6
5 997 Visites

Hi @sjc1017


Have you tried shutting down MSHybrid mode in controlpanel? According to Rambo, this solved most of his problems.




Kind regards,