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BIOS medion S6426

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Nachricht 1 von 38
24.313 Aufrufe

BIOS medion S6426


I own notebook medion S6426.


Last month I visited medion support site, entered MSN number searching for drivers and bios update.

There was listed bios update .

Description says version 2.07, but when I updated downloaded bios, it was version 2.09.


Since bios update to version 2.09, there is no sound from internal speakers or connected headphones.

In device manager, there is no speakers listed, like it should be.

I even tried with restoring to factory defaults and that didn't fix it.


Since this unfortunate provided bios update, about a week later I again entered medion support with my MSN number searching for fixed bios update,

but this time there were(and is) no bios update listed. It looks like medion recognized that it was serving faulty bios update and delisted bios update.


Browsing medion forum, I stumbled on

and again it shows bios version 207, but download bios is version 209


Where can I get bios update to fixed or previous version?


Thank you in advance

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Nachricht 11 von 38
8.710 Aufrufe
Nachricht 11 von 38
8.710 Aufrufe

Hello Luke, unfortunately this IS indeed a very serious BIOS update issue.

Like already said and proven above.


I know too because I got the same problem on mine 😞

MEDION AKOYA S6425 (MD 61072) 

MSN: 30024625


Reinstalling the drivers did not improve the problem, even reintstalling the complete system to factorystate with PowerRecover did not solve the issue.

So this is 100% a bad BIOS version.


Of course the above linux solution only apply to the 5% of people who got Linux on their laptop, not Windows. 😞


- And another nasty thing this update did was making the system a LOT slower.
On an average of 3 benchmarks before and after the BIOS update to version 209, the CPU score went from 9300 to 7300 points in Passmark!
(That is a decrease of 22%!) My laptop makes a lot more noise and gets hotter too because of this...


So please Medion, work for a solution on this, or I'll have to turn in my laptop to the store while I still can.

Nachricht 12 von 38
8.691 Aufrufe
Nachricht 12 von 38
8.691 Aufrufe

 Hello tec9,


Hmm, unfortunally, Linux is not all sunshine. It's impossible to use the headphones on the PC. So there is still something wrong.


I also tried windows afterwards, but sadly, I can only confirm what you are saying. I tried a clean install of windows, update of the drivers (downgrading the drivers), every possible update there is for windows; but no sound available. Strange, because before the bios update, it was working perfectly! I guess this is the reason why they deliver the PC with an older BIOS firmware, however, it would be nice to get some help from the Medion-experts.


So, for the medion-expert, is there something we can test further? Do you need more information from our side? Can you confirm maybe what we are experiencing, or is there another reason why the PC's are delivered with version 207?






Nachricht 13 von 38
8.674 Aufrufe
Nachricht 13 von 38
8.674 Aufrufe

Got same problem on S6425


How come such a BIOS update did pass quality control?

In my case, when enabling CSM (?), I could not enter BIOS anymore, and system refused to start up, whereas in 2.07 that worked fine.

Had I known this I would have NEVER updated.


Could somebody make a version to go back to version 2.07? See

Nachricht 14 von 38
8.665 Aufrufe
Nachricht 14 von 38
8.665 Aufrufe

It should not be too hard for Medion to give us a Bios update with the same content as 2.07.


For everyone who got this problem I would contact Medion and explain the situation (I already did)
You can contact them by filling in the contact-form on their service-portal: ex:


After the contact form you will receive a mail with some tips and faq, then you have to reply to that mail that it did not solve your problem so they will create a "real" ticket and send it to their product specialist.

Nachricht 15 von 38
8.658 Aufrufe
Nachricht 15 von 38
8.658 Aufrufe

Going back to 2.07 not possible? Of course it is!


Medion should just make a new download available that will allow a BIOS update to version 2.07.

If needed, such an update can be relabeled 2.10 or whatever.


However, I doubt that is necessary, as the the InsydeH2O FFT tool used to upgrade BIOSes has an option to NOT check a version, so it can be used to downgrade. But that is up to Medion to fix.


Medion, take your responsibility and fix this for your users! It's really bad to push such a BIOS version to the whole customer base.

Nachricht 16 von 38
8.625 Aufrufe
Nachricht 16 von 38
8.625 Aufrufe

I think I've found the V2.07 BIOS.

I'm not sure how long this link will be kept alive, so be sure to get a copy here

I did a binary compare with the V2.09 BIOS, and it seems the V2.07 is LARGER, i.e. contains more data. It looks like it has more assembly code parts.

Maybe someone is willing to try and install this version, or at least check if it is applicable? I'm currently not able to do so.

If you edit the platform.ini file, you can at least disable automatic install, but let the software check if it is suitable to be installed.

Do not know the option by head, but will check.


Nachricht 17 von 38
8.597 Aufrufe
Nachricht 17 von 38
8.597 Aufrufe

Yes, In the meanwhile I noticed you can't download the BIOS version 209 anymore from the MEDION site and they reverted back to 207.

I also got a response from MEDION that they send the case to Medion Germany for a solution.


I told them I want to go back to version 207 as it's not just the sound problem but also the >20% speed decrease from the CPU.(It's like your pc suddenly aged 5 years).

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8.583 Aufrufe
Nachricht 18 von 38
8.583 Aufrufe

Great that they're further looking into this, but we really need a solution in the short term. Now we don't know how long this will take, and what the solution will look like.

Nachricht 19 von 38
8.522 Aufrufe
Nachricht 19 von 38
8.522 Aufrufe

Medion has released a BIOS recovery from 209 to version 208.

After this, the sound is working again 🙂


The CPU benchmarks are still not as good as version 207, a 400points decrease instead of 2000 points with version 209.

Nachricht 20 von 38
8.466 Aufrufe
Nachricht 20 von 38
8.466 Aufrufe



yes, 208 works for windows. But for future persons: Linux is screwed... I can only boot with acpi=off. So no battery indication, no mouspad working, no shortcuts with fn-key, ... Pfff, depresisng,