am 19.07.2023 20:26
am 19.07.2023 20:26
Hi there,
I recently noticed a collection of small green dots, in a particular part of the LCD Screen on my laptop. They are quite small, and only really visible when the screen is dark, but they look like stuck pixels. Given this laptop is only just over 12 months old, and has been back at Medion for repair for 4 of those 12 months, surely the pixels can't have died in such a short amount of time, with so little usage.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated, on what could have caused this, and how to fix it, ideally without having to send the laptop back to Medion yet again! I have attached an image for context.
am 27.07.2023 12:42
am 27.07.2023 12:42
Hello there,
Your assessment of the the LCD screen having a group of broken pixels is a possible cause for the fault in question. If you have not already tried so I would recommend making sure your display drivers are up to date.
You can find a drivers package for your Laptop by entering the MSN number which can be found on the label of your laptop into the Medion website.
I have provided the link below: