on 02.07.2022 16:54
on 02.07.2022 16:54
I need a little help with my Erazer Engineer, MD 35184, MSN 10024291.
Ever since I bought it, which was around christmas, it’s been crashing whenever I try to play any type of multiplayer game. It doesn’t matter if it’s FFXIV or something like Phasmophobia.
I either get a BSOD, my computer restarts without any error messages or it just crashes to desktop with no error code. Very rarely, when a crash is about to happen, I get a black screen with red and green pixels all over the screen. These things never happen when I play singleplayer games like Elden Ring however.
Another error I’ve had since I got the computer is a message at start-up saying “Boot failure detected” and I’m prompted to load optimized defaults then boot/reboot or enter BIOS. This doesn’t happen every time, but it’s very frequent. Is it something I should be concerned about?
Anyway, I’ve been keeping an eye on the temp so I can confirm it’s not overheating. I haven’t overclocked and I keep everything up to date so it shouldn’t be an outdated driver. I’ve even reinstalled my graphic card but nothing seems to be helping.
I have no clue what the issue is and don't know what more I can try to fix this. Any insights would be helpful.
on 26.07.2022 11:28
on 26.07.2022 11:28
Finally found the problem.
I installed one extra fan and got some help to update bios. Apparently the company I bought it from had the wrong version installed by mistake so it was too old.
So far I haven't had a crash or anything for about two weeks so I think I can safely say everything works now.
Thank you for your help and time! @Fishtown
on 02.07.2022 21:05
on 02.07.2022 21:05
Hello @DingusWaffle and welcome
and did you load the optimal values?
see here from page 24 and page 43 it is a manual of a B560M Aorus Pro AX rev.1.x
you have a B560m Aorus Pro AX retail should be similar.
bye Fishtown
on 03.07.2022 09:26
on 03.07.2022 09:26
Thank you!
If you mean when the BIOS error happens then yes, I've loaded optimal every time. I don't even touch BIOS after but the error keeps coming back every few days.
I read the manual but I'm not sure what to do from there. Is there any settings I should be looking at specificially? Sorry if there's something obivious I'm missing here.
on 04.07.2022 00:39
on 04.07.2022 00:39
please check if the graphics card is plugged in correctly and locked and while you're at it also the RAM modules.
Check the plug connection from the cable to the monitor.
Maybe the temperatures are too high!
How high is the temperature on the graphics card when you play normally and what temperature when you play multiplayer games?
bye Fishtown
on 04.07.2022 11:37
on 04.07.2022 11:37
Alright I'm going to check those!
The temps are around 73 normally and 75 during multiplayer.
I have one more question I'm worried about. Should I be looking into updating bios? My current version is B560M AORUS PRO AX F6 and from what I can tell F8 addresses win11 req and F9 seems to be strongly encouraged due to vulnerabilities. Also, if I do have to flash bios, how do I do that without q flash? That option doesn't show up. Also the recommended gigabyte app center refuses to work with me. Should I be looking more into this or leave it for now? @Fishtown
on 26.07.2022 11:28
on 26.07.2022 11:28
Finally found the problem.
I installed one extra fan and got some help to update bios. Apparently the company I bought it from had the wrong version installed by mistake so it was too old.
So far I haven't had a crash or anything for about two weeks so I think I can safely say everything works now.
Thank you for your help and time! @Fishtown