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Control Center not opening (Erazer P60i laptop)

Message 1 sur 8
3 130 Visites
Message 1 sur 8
3 130 Visites

Control Center not opening (Erazer P60i laptop)

The control center app randomly stopped opening and wont open. I've tried pressing Fn + Esc, opening it from the hidden icons menu, and restarting my laptop multiple times. Every time i try to open it the loading icon will flash for a split second and it wont open. Can anyone help me with this please. Thanks

Message 2 sur 8
3 005 Visites
Message 2 sur 8
3 005 Visites

I have the same issue (Deputy P60i). I found a temporary way to fix it by uninstalling and reinstalling the control center using its installer (restarting my laptop at each step as the installer advise you to).

But this solution only works until I shut down my laptop, then I have to do it all over again. Not sure if that really helps.

Message 3 sur 8
2 923 Visites
Message 3 sur 8
2 923 Visites

A few on here are having the sme problem (and many more will quite soon). It seems to be down to a driver update:

I found some further information

I encounterd it after updating to Windows 11 24H2. It installed the offending update which prevented the Control Center UI opening.  I rolled back to Windows 11 23H2 and reinstalled Control Center which fixed the problem.

For a few days.  Today Control Center is refusing to open again.  I have gone through the steps of uninstalling and reinstalling.  The old versions of the ACPI bridge drivers described in the second link are insatlled, but still no access to the UI.  Although Control Center is running, I have lost my keyboard backlight setup and have no way to now change it that I am aware of/

I'm away from home and restricted as to what else I can try.  If all else fails, I have a clone of the hard from a few months ago and will try reverting to that and blocking all further updates pending further investigation.  I'll report back if nobody finds a fix, but it will be at least 2 weeks before I get a chance to look properly.

Message 4 sur 8
2 922 Visites
Message 4 sur 8
2 922 Visites

I'm on an E40, but it'll be the same issue.


New Voice
Message 5 sur 8
2 871 Visites
Message 5 sur 8
2 871 Visites

Im in a Crawler E30e and have the same problem.

Message 6 sur 8
2 585 Visites
Message 6 sur 8
2 585 Visites

Same problem for me (Deputy P60i)

Message 7 sur 8
2 579 Visites
Message 7 sur 8
2 579 Visites

We have a potential workaround

It doesn't fix the now broken Control Center, but does provide another way of getting at the settings - with a little work :~)

Good luck.


Message 8 sur 8
382 Visites
Message 8 sur 8
382 Visites

This error is due to the LATEST Win 11 Build update.

Issue resolved after uninstalling update

Go to settings > Windows Update > Recovery > Revert Update.

My issue is resolved after following these steps.

Additionally, switch off auto updates by by pressing Win+R > type "services.msc" > scroll down to Windows update > Disable it

Hope it helps!