am 06.05.2016 17:44
am 06.05.2016 17:44
I recently upgraded my GTX570m for a GTX970M 6gb - everything ran fine for a few days then i booted yp my laptop and the screen was black - completely dead!
i have checked in the bios and device manager and it does not detect the screen - as if it isnt there......
I'm running on an external monitor with the HDMI connection and that works ok
Is this a common issue and are there any known compatible laptop LED backlit screens that i can replace it with
I have opened the screen housing and there is a number LTN156HT01-101 LTN on the sceen edge and also another 2 numbers LJ97-03243A and LJ96-05574A - the last number is related to the screen number of an ASUS 53S.
I was wondering - are laptop screens quite interchangeable if it is the same type of backlight and display port (40 pin) connection
I have seen some that say make sure it has same backlight - LED, same connection - 40 pin, same size and resolution, and also which side the connection is on
Any help with this would be appreciated
am 09.05.2016 14:07
am 09.05.2016 14:07
Hi @BoOoMSt1cK,
remember this thread we thisdussed your "upgrading topic" in march including my statement?
I´m not shure, what exactly happened, but I fear, that you´re in deeper trouble.
Major ToM
am 03.06.2016 12:24
am 03.06.2016 12:24
Sorry i did not get back sooner what working away
I found out the trouble and solution via Notebook Review site
It turns out EVGA Precision + Window 10 + Nvidia drivers + Samsung screens - have a bit of an issue
First thing i was asked what "did you install EVGA Precision" - it turns out did it corrupts the screen firmware
I only installed it to adjust the fan speeds, not to Actually overclock the card
I had to install Ubuntu on a usb stick and go through a lengthy process to rewrite my screen bios - the GTX 970m was fine
The laptop is running beautifully now and no more issues so far - simply a coincidence it happened after fitting my new graphics card - Which Actually runs much cooler than the GTX570m i had originally
I would warn any other Erazer users not to install EVGA Precision overclocking or similar software
Thanks for the advice and concerns
i'll let you know if i have any more issues