07.02.2021 10:36
07.02.2021 10:36
I have been about to buy MEDION AKOYA P66029, but it doesn't have any case fans. It has 2x gpu-fan, 1x cpu-fan, 1x psu-fan, 0x case-fan.
What should I think of this? And is it possible to install there a case-fan without changing the factory PSU and without expiring the warranty (that's 2 years here). It sounds insane to me that there is no case-fan at all.
09.02.2021 15:09
08.02.2021 10:17
08.02.2021 10:46
08.02.2021 10:46
I ended up buying the product anyways. But is this intentional that there is no case fan or is there some mistake in the product that it would miss a fan that should be there? Its still quite high end gaming pc with i5-8400 and 8 Gt GTX 1070.
09.02.2021 15:09