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éénrichtingsnetwerk ???

Bericht 1 van 37
8.641 Weergaven
Bericht 1 van 37
8.641 Weergaven

éénrichtingsnetwerk ???

Hallo allemaal,


Ik ben al 2 dagen aan het prutsen met mijn 2 computers en raak er niet uit, en dus graag help aub...

Ik heb 2 computers in een privaat thuisnetwerk en ik krijg daar geen toegang op, in de 2 richtingen.

Computer A is een Dell laptop en computer B een Medion Akoya P63024. Op beiden staat Windows11 Home.

Vanuit de Medion zie ik alle bestanden van computer A, kan ik er mee werken en is dus alles OK, maar vanuit Computer A zie ik met mijn verkenner 'netwerk' wel de Medion staan maar wanneer ik er op dubbelklik om de inhoud te bekijken krijg ik een foutboodschap:

'\\Medion-PC is niet toegankelijk. U hebt mogelijk niet de juiste machtigingen voor deze netwerkbron...'

... en ik raak daar niet uit !!!!!!!!

netwerkverbinding foutboodschap.jpg

Heel vervelend.

Bericht 31 van 37
1.846 Weergaven
Bericht 31 van 37
1.846 Weergaven


When I try to connect to the Medio-PC computer in the normal way using credential network manager, the networkname is already filled in but the password is not recognized ! I allready changed that network password 2 times and it was everytime accepted to login into the Microsoft Outlook site but it is NOT accepted in the credential manager... ???


network credential.jpg

Bericht 32 van 37
1.843 Weergaven
Bericht 32 van 37
1.843 Weergaven



@yvessr  schrieb:


When I try to connect to the Medio-PC computer in the normal way using credential network manager, the networkname is already filled in but the password is not recognized

You should read and understand. I did describe it already three times. Last time I wrote about  in the  post 30 (and post 3 , 5, 21, 27🙄 :

@daddle schrieb:

But choosing different passwords for the User accounts might help. But then be careful not to get mixed up, because in the network addressing mask always first the local account name of your PC  you are on  will appear, and the PW for your local account is expected. (That's because the account  names  on all your computer are identical) But you do not have a password for the user account you want to get in, and you do not want to enter into your local   PC you are working on. 
Scroll down in the "Enter network credentials" Window.  

Then in the addressing field in the lower part you have to click on --> "More choices" and then --> "Add a new account"  -   

In the now opening new addressing mask, and this is the difference, now you can enter here the others PCs user account name.  And you have to fill in the password for the chosen user account

And be patient, it takes a few  minutes before the connection is established.  

That's why you need a password, because you want to "enter"  the user-account on the other PC. 



Also if you want to get access through your Microsoft account, your PC user account must be registered with the Microsoft account 


I could put it in Dutch and English here again, but I do think the third repetition will be often enough.  😯




Edit: (14.11.23)


You tried to get a connection to the other PC with the login via your  Microsoft account. And you say your password for the Microsoft account isn't accepted. The thing is, if I understand it correctly, you also need a local user account login with a password, and this user account is linked to the Microsoft account. But you have no  local user account login with a password. 

I assume that's why your access via the Microsoft account doesn't work.

Bericht 33 van 37
1.789 Weergaven
Bericht 33 van 37
1.789 Weergaven



Hello @yvessr .how is it going? You should well give us some feedback, if your network connections work now. after we wrote  our fingers bloody, to get you connected!  😏


For your interest, I just had to add another family computer to my network.

So to test my own advices again, I reconfigured all my PCs in the way I did describe and it worked exactly i stated here. To prevent conflicts, i assigned every PC  a different  account name.


I withheld one of the 4 computers that I connected to the network and deleted the user login pw in it. So i could work with it without having to login by password.


All computers were shown in the network listing and  found each other after waiting several minutes, and I could login to them (with the users account name and PW) except for the one  without a login PW.

I couldn't establish a network connection to this PC. Not even the little network credentials login windows came up if I clicked its user name in the "verkenner" listing. Nor with a direct click, nor with a right click on the PCs name, and  clicking on "opening" !


So I created a user login PW again, rebooted the computer and the computer was as before visible in the "verkenner" window, but  clicking on it brought this time the little "Enter network credentials"   Window to be authorisized to get into Windows on the desired pc in the network.


Windows Security  

"Enter network credentials" 

User Accoun:



Everyone else in the network could login filling in the user name plus the login password in the registering "Network credentials" window.

This time, to get no mixing up, I gave all user accounts a different name. Because of that in the network credentials mask the correct  users name of the addressed PC appeared pre filled in.


I did not  use my Microsoft account, because with the user's name and its password I have no problems to establish network connections. Although all my user account's are linked to my Microsoft account.


cheers, daddle

Bericht 34 van 37
1.771 Weergaven
Bericht 34 van 37
1.771 Weergaven

hello @daddle 


Thank you for your explanation and thank you again very much for your extensive support !!!
Here's what I've done since my last email:
1. Completely reinstalled Windows on all 3 computers: from USB on Dell13 and on Medion (because there are only a few Apps there and so I don't have to reinstall many) and from within Win11 on my main computer Dell15 on which there are about 50 Apps... Result after that operation: NO progress; the credentials don't work...
2. Finally, I read your instructions three more times and try to understand them (because translations with technical terminology are not always understandable, and certainly not by an 80+ man) ; I then created a new Microsoft account (as Administrator ). Reboot with the new account and... yes, all PCs are now visible and I can open the folders !!! Fantastic... but a very big problem: I end up on a screen without any icon of my apps and I'm afraid I'll have to reinstall all 50 of them ??? And I also notice that I have to log in again with my passwords for each operation or window on internet...
3. I tried to copy the apps from the 'old' config, which I had backed up, to the 'new' screen, but that didn't work at all.


...sorry that I have to ask you this too, but I hope there is a solution so that I don't have to start installing everything over again???



Bericht 35 van 37
4.067 Weergaven
Bericht 35 van 37
4.067 Weergaven



You are welcome.


@yvessr  schrieb:

I then created a new Microsoft account (as Administrator ). Reboot with the new account and... yes, all PCs are now visible and I can open the folders

I guess you  refer (ment) for a Windows Admin account, not Microsoft, right? Or do you login in the Network credentials window with the name of your Micorsoft (emaíl) account plus password?


@yvessr  schrieb:

Fantastic... but a very big problem: I end up on a screen without any icon of my apps and I'm afraid I'll have to reinstall all 50 of them ??? And I also notice that I have to log in again with my passwords for each operation or window on internet...

What do you mean by that?  Only your own installed apps, I do hope. The basic Windows apps are there?

You are talking now about the newly installed Dell 15?  Yes, unfortunately after a clean new install you have to reinstall all your apps.

Or did you create an image of the Dell 15, which you could reflash. 


@yvessr  schrieb:

And I also notice that I have to log in again with my passwords for each operation or window on internet...

But how often is this necessary? And what for do you need three Pcs at a time? 🙂

Cheers , daddle




Bericht 36 van 37
1.754 Weergaven
Bericht 36 van 37
1.754 Weergaven



some replies...


On my Dell15 laptop, which is my main computer, I had about 50 bought and installed Apps ; ofcourse I can all reinstall them but that is a hell of a job !


This was the reason I did NOT reinstall Win11 from boot, but reinstalled it launching the USB stick from within Windows keeping my data and applications.

Once done all installed Apps where still there but nothing changed for network sharing ...


For info: Dell15 is my personal laptop, Dell13 is the laptop of my wife and Medion is the company desktop...


Once again, Thanks for your help although I have to reinstall everything.





Bericht 37 van 37
3.893 Weergaven
Bericht 37 van 37
3.893 Weergaven




@yvessr  schrieb:

This was the reason I did NOT reinstall Win11 from boot, but reinstalled it launching the USB stick from within Windows keeping my data and applications.

Once done all installed Apps where still there but nothing changed for network sharing ..

No of course not. You only had  to give a varying login  password  for every account on each computer. And in the "aanmeldeschermpje"   the "Windows security credential network" window, you could click on the "Other options", like I wrote, enter the account name, and add the installed password for the dedicated PC. Which definitely works for two PCs at a time, even if you have the same account name on three pcs.

But in your position you are in now, I do think two pcs  coupled would do  the job as well.   😉


But ok now you have a clean system,  that's also worthwhile.


Cheers, daddle