Never heard about the difference between RAM and 'Speicherplatz' did you, McB? The S10346 has PLENTY of memory-space to install and run RealRacing 3.Speicherplatz, it's called. Not RAM. But: the unit gets HOT. I have a smartphone which runs RealRacing 3 without any problem. I just gets a bit warm. There is DEFINATELY a problem with the heat-management (or: the lack of) in this S10346. Just got mine back from Medion "repair". They claim everything is OK and it's the power-adaptor that's faulty. Which I didn't send them, because their mail said "without accessoires". Also: the S10346 hets HOT (75-80 C°) even without a power-adaptor connected. So they didn't fix anything. I read somewhere the problem could be there is no (or not enough) termal-paste between de CPU (or SoC) and the aluminium back to dissipate heat. But when I read this, why can't Medion-support read it, and check it, and fix it?
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