Hey everyone! As per the title of my post - the battery on my Crawler E30 stopped charging. When this started, the battery was at 80% and in a constant state of discharge when plugged in. - The charging icon is visible in the task bar but no effect on charge. If I disconnect the mains, the laptop powers off immediately. I generated a battery report which told me absolutely nothing. I got this in January. Haven't found it easy to get any help from the merchant (Laptops Direct) or Medion. It will be a huge inconvenience now to have to send the laptop back for repair. - If anyone knows what could potentially cause the fault and if it may be fixable, I would appreciate it greatly! Simply replacing the battery is something I can easily do myself. I think it to be more than fair for a replacement battery to be sent rather than having to be further inconvenienced. Not a happy camper at the moment so I'm hoping some of you fine folks may be able to help somehow! Thanks in advance!
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