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Generally any "investigative" test of system hardware is non-destructive but expect it would require a specific utility. I think we'll need to look to the manufacturers for this. Upgrading the firmware is a different proposition and will require care. Once again we have to look to the @aceslider wrote: I think this is probably a bit beyond most computer users (of which I include myself in that) because there is a risk that you could damage your system if you do not carry the procedure out correctly. In my case I have an AMD chip and my understanding is that Microsoft have deferred issuing the latest patches to users who have the older AMD chips. I have also read that Microsoft and AMD are working on a solution. I would expect that Medion would be involved in this process as they should take some sort of responsibility in all of this and I am wondering if new drivers will eventually appear on their support pages? manufacturers to provide us a straightfoward patch.
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I have a Medion Akoya P5315D (MD8351). Has anyone any idea what arrangements are being made to supply and apply any patches needed to protect my machine ?
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