ich habe vergeblichst versucht mein Medion Internetradio p85105 (MD 87505) auf http://internetradio.medion.com/ zu registrieren. anscheint wird mein zugrifffscode nicht angenommen. 1. Please enter the Access code for your Wi-Fi radio (Please refer to your Wi-Fi radio instruction manual to find your Access code): The Access code you entered was not found. Please make sure that you have entered it correctly. Your manual may be unclear. The steps to register are: From the radio 1. From the Main Menu select 'Internet radio', 2. Select 'Station list', 3. Select the 'Help' directory 4. Select 'Get access code' item 5. Write down the access code - it is 7 digits. 6. Visit the site http://www.wifiradio-frontier.com/ to register 7. Click on the 'New Member' link, below the login section 8. Enter in the access code and a username and password to setup your login. wie bekomme ich das Radio registriert und kann meine eigenen sender hochladen?
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