Here is a similar port, on a different phone - in this instance it's definitely not an external antenna connector: Once, I looked very carefully at similar ports on other phones, and found them to be isolating test points attached to the phone's internal antenna. With nothing attached to the port, the phone's antenna was connected straight through the port itself, to the phone's receiver circuitry. If a probe were inserted into the hole in the port, then the antenna would be disconnected from the phone, and connected instead to whatever was on the other end of the probe. So.. what are these, on the back of the E5005... useable connectors, or just test points. This is the question. I do suspect they're just test points, but I really hope they're not. I don't want to mess with them until I know for sure what they are though, because if you mess with those test port things, then you can easily destroy the phone by making the connection between antenna and receiver unreliable.
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